Calling all savvy (but non-techie) service providers:

Choose a new web template on Friday.

Go live by Monday – with just one click.

Don’t want to cry over complicated tech
just to launch your website? There’s a better way!

DIY website launch kit mockup
  • Easy, one-click install
  • High-converting design
  • Professional copy prompts

Say hello to your new business bestie:

DIY Website Launch Kit™

A beautiful, strategic website template kit for service providers
who don’t want to sweat the tech.

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laura pointing

How cool would this be?

You head into your weekend with your eye on a beautiful website template, and by Monday, you’re LIVE!

Your business finally has a digital home that lights you up inside, complete with professionally designed branding. Before you know it, new clients start booking you directly from your site vs. through tedious back-and-forth email chains and DMs.

Yep, your website is officially a client-booking machine, and all it took was a tiny slice of your weekend. Totally doable!

Wait … You’re not quite there yet?

Maybe you already have a DIY website, but all you can muster is a weak “meh” when looking at it.

It’s like you’re trapped in a just-friends relationship, when what you really want is to be head-over-heels in love with your site! The branding is just OK, the flow is alright, and the copy will do.

You could maaaaaybe see past these things, but your website doesn’t even convert visitors to clients. And THAT’S gotta change, because a girl’s got standards!

The way you see it, you’ve got two options.

(Spoiler alert: There’s a third option!)

Option 1: Try to fix things yourself.

You could load up on caffeine, take a deep breath, and start Googling your way to a better website. It can’t be that hard to learn the secrets to high-converting branding, web design, and copywriting, right??? The biggest red flag: the tech. Always the tech. Even if Google came through for you (and didn’t send you down a cat-video vortex), how would you integrate everything?

Option 2: Outsource to the pros.

You have huge respect for branding experts, web designers, and copywriters and would love to get them on your project. But right now, your budget isn’t that big, you don’t want to sit on a long waitlist, and you’re kinda worried that tech problems will
come back to haunt you. What if you’re left with a fancy site you don’t know how to update? You’re pretty sure web designers don’t take too kindly to getting random “how-to” questions at 3:00 am.

So, here you are: Stuck in the middle of not wanting to DIY your site without any support … and not wanting to hire out for a custom job.

What to do, what to do …

We’ve got just the thing:

DIY Website Launch Kit™

The sweet spot between being left to your own DIY devices
and forking over the big bucks for customized website design.

The DIY Website Launch Kit™ is a beautiful, easy-to-use website kit that comes with professional branding, a high-converting website template, and pro copywriting tips to help you launch a website that books you more clients.

If you’ve been burned before by “easy” templates that were anything but, don’t fear.

This kit features a simple ONE-CLICK install so that you can confidently launch your site without any tech headaches. You’ll also get access to a complete training vault should you need extra support. After all, tech stress should NEVER be the thing that holds you back in business. Don’t you agree?



Let’s fast-forward to your soon-to-be future:

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You finalllllly have a website you love – because you’re no longer stuck in a standstill, intimidated by the tech. And boy, does it ever feel good to have your site out in the world!
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You proudly share your URL with everyone – because you can’t help it! It just looks sooooo amazing. Who cares that your Grandma will never hire you. She still NEEDS to see this!
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You start booking dream clients – because your site doesn’t just look pretty; it strategically leads people to purchase. You know, that minor detail of making money for what you do!
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You step into the next level of your business – because with an elevated online presence comes elevated confidence! Now that you’re in grow-mode, who knows what you’ll do next. (Podcast interviews? Summit talks? Rule the world?)
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Check out all the goodies inside DIY Website Launch Kit™:


Before you go live with an amazing site, you need cohesive branding to help your business look more polished and professional. Not sure where to start with choosing your fonts, colors, logo and more? Don’t worry; we’ve got everything inside the DIY Website Launch Kit!

First, you’ll choose between three custom design styles – Feminine, Bold, or Magical.

Each design style includes:

  • A professionally designed logo that you can customize for your business.
  • Hand-selected fonts to match the look and feel of your brand style.
  • Strategically chosen brand colors to showcase your brand’s personality.
  • Custom Canva templates, sized just right for your website images.*

*Trust us, this one’s important! With other templates, you’re left in the dark about image sizing. Next thing you know, you’re innocently adding the wrong-sized image to your website and BOOM! Everything goes wonky. Good news: This is a wonky-free zone. 🙂

Why this branding suite rocks:

  • There’s no guesswork involved – just choose your design style and go!
  • You get professionally designed brand elements – for a fraction of the cost of hiring a branding expert.
  • You can easily tweak these elements if you want to – but we have a feeling you’ll love ‘em as is!


Once you’ve chosen your brand style, you’ll get a “matching” website template to bring everything to life. Again, this will be an easy ONE-CLICK install, so you won’t need to hit up your IT hubby or frantically Google “How to code.” There’s zero coding involved, and once you install your site, it’s super easy to customize your layout and drop in your copy.

Remember: The DIY Website Launch Kit™ was specifically designed for non-techie service providers who’d rather do LITERALLY anything else than wrestle with complicated tech. (Except prep for tax season. That sucks too.)

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Your professionally designed website template will include:

  • A beautiful home page that grabs attention and gets people to stick around.
  • An About page that makes people want to work with YOU and you alone.
  • A Work with Me page that highlights your amazing services/offers.
  • A Contact page that makes it super easy for people to book you.
  • Other, often-overlooked sections, like your Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy, to check all the legal boxes.


 Why this website template rocks:

  • It’s super easy to install – yep, we’re gonna brag about the ONE-CLICK install till we’re blue in the face!
  • It’s professionally designed – without having to pay a fortune or wait forever to get on a web designer’s calendar.
  • It’s strategically designed to convert – because the whole goal of your website should be to book more clients. PERIOD.
training vault Mockup


Everything in this DIY Website Launch Kit™ is meant to be easy and intuitive. Still, we don’t want to leave you high and dry if you need extra support. With our training vault, you’ll get bite-sized videos (because who wants to sit through training that’s as long as a Marvel movie?) to walk you through each step of your website set-up. Think of it as DIY with a friendly side of hand-holding!

Each training video will:

  • Walk you through each topic with simple, non-techie instructions.
  • Address commonly asked questions to cover all the bases.
  • Help you enjoy (yes, enjoy!) the process of setting up your website.

Why this training vault rocks:

  • It’ll save you tons of time – no need to go down a Google rabbit hole!
  • You’ll have everything in one place – no need to wonder, “Where were those instructions, again?”
  • Knowledge is power! – no need to sit back on the sidelines anymore. Now you’ll have the knowledge to launch with confidence!


Note: You’ll also need a domain, hosting, and a Divi license to launch your site. If you’re like, “Say what, now?” … don’t worry. We’ll walk you through each of these simple steps in our training vault!

Feast your eyes on these amazing bonuses:

(Don’t stop … get it, get it!)
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Bonus 1:

Master-Your-Calendar Acuity Training

Learn how to set up your Acuity account so clients can easily schedule a wide range of sessions with you directly from your website. More than just a scheduling tool, Acuity will help you manage your calendar, batch your activities, set boundaries with clients, and eliminate the back-and-forth “When are you free to meet?” emails.

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Bonus 2:

Write-to-Convert Copywriting Guide

Like PB & J, great copy and design go hand-in-hand. When people land on your website, your copy needs to strategically guide your visitors to take that next step – whether it’s to read more or to book you. This guide will help you plan the content for each section of your website, so that you use the right words, in the right places.


laura bio

Hey, savvy service providers!

I’m Laura!

I’m a strategic web designer and tech expert who helps entrepreneurs stand out online with a website they love. But as much as I adore pretty things, it’s not just about having a website that looks good. It’s about creating a customer journey that delights your audience AND leads them to purchase!

I created the DIY Website Launch Kit because I know business is all about timing.

Right now, you might not have the time or budget to hire a professional web designer – and that’s OK! My DIY Website Launch Kit™ is an easy, cost-effective, but still premium way to stand out online. Everything you need to launch your site is inside, ready for you with a ONE-CLICK install. Just tweak to suit your personal brand, and you’ll be good to go!

amanda bio

And I’m Amanda!

I’m a branding expert who helps business owners like you grow your business through – you guessed it! – beautiful branding. When Laura invited me to partner with her on the DIY Website Launch Kit™, I was ALL in.

Here’s a fact: Strategic branding has the power to instantly elevate your business.

Not only does it capture your unique personality, but it helps you look more polished and professional in the eyes of your ideal clients. And once your audience goes ga-ga over your brand, they’ll be itching to work with you!

So, enjoy the custom, pre-designed branding templates in this kit. I’ve done the heavy brand-strategy lifting for you, so that you can focus all of your attention on serving your amazing people!

P.S. These are the same principles that helped Amanda and I boost our own businesses.

The professional design and marketing strategies that are baked into the DIY Website Launch Kit are the same ones that we used to build our $100K+ businesses from scratch. It took us many years and tears (some happy, some not!) to reach this level of success, and we want to help fast-track your results. No need to wait for the “perfect” time to get your new website designed. You can do it TODAY with our proven, easy-to-use branding and website templates!

The DIY Website Launch Kit™

is a perfect match for you if:

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You’re a solopreneur selling programs, courses, services, and/or digital products online.
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You have a love-hate relationship with tech. (Ok, mostly hate).

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You crave an easy way to launch your website without spending a fortune.

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You’re ready to do this NOW versus going another few months being the best-kept secret in your industry.

Psst. Don’t be surprised if you walk away

feeling like this …

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DIY website launch kit mockup

Here’s whats included:

  • 3 Unique, Professionally Designed Branding Suites
  • A Beautiful, High-converting Website Template
  • A Training Vault With Bite-sized Videos

Exclusive bonuses:

  • Master-Your-Calendar Acuity Training
  • Write-to-Convert Copywriting Guide


How is this template kit different from other website templates?

Where to start!?! First, the beautiful brand and web design elements inside this kit have been professionally created by myself and an expert brand designer. Second, these elements have been strategically designed to help you convert more website visitors into paying clients. Third, we wanted to remove ALL of the tech stress, which is why this kit includes a one-click install as well as extra training videos, should you need them.

Can I see what the full site will look like?
Sure! Click to view the Feminine site demo, Bold site demo and Magic Site demo.
Can I change the colors to match my brand?
Absolutely! If you already have branding, then you can easily adapt your website template to incorporate your existing colors. With that said, the palettes in this kit have been chosen based on a proven color strategy. We took into account that different colors evoke different emotions, have different personalities, etc. Essentially, we did the color thinking for you!
Does this template kit come with website copy?

No, but the Write-to-Convert Copywriting Guide in the bonus section will guide you in writing your own copy. It includes professional copywriting tips to ensure that your content always revolves around your readers.

Should I watch all of the videos in the training vault?
That depends! Some people like to go through all of the videos in detail; others barely glance at them. Just know that the extra support is there for you if you need it.
Why is $497 such a great investment for this template kit?

Like you said, it’s a great investment! A professional website instantly adds credibility to your brand and attracts more clients. Also, to work with me typically starts at $8,500, or more. This kit gives you a taste of our services (and a premium online presence) at a fraction of the cost.

I’m so excited for this! What happens after I purchase?

Sweet! After you purchase, you’ll receive an email detailing the next steps for accessing all the goodies inside this kit. The instructions will be super clear so that you can get up and running right away! Make sure to tag me on Instagram (@laurakamark) when you go live so I can celebrate your launch with you!


DIY website launch kit mockup

“Well that was easy.”

Said YOU, to yourself, after launching your new, beautiful website.

(Because everyone knows that business owners talk to themselves!)

So, what’s it gonna be?
Are you ready to kiss tech stress goodbye and go live with a website you love?