Ep. 18: Money Blocks and Money Mindset with Jeannie Dougherty a Certified Money Management Coach

January 4, 2023
Jeannie Dougherty feature image

Meet Jeannie

As a determined woman ready to make a positive impact on the world, Jeannie Dougherty continues to help people from all walks of life. She is a coveted counselor, certified money coach and mental fitness coach, and speaker. Moreover, she works with businesses, individuals, and couples to help them find better ways to reach their goals. Over the years, her efforts have earned her a reputation among clients who are ever eager to vouch for her holistic services.

Ever since the beginning, Jeannie has immersed herself in a myriad of meaningful activities. She graduated with a Master’s degree in Counseling from Ottawa University. She also graduated from the prestigious Money Coaching Institute as a Certified Money Coach for Individuals, Couples, and Businesses.  She’s passionate about her area of expertise, Jeannie set forth on her quest to do great things. Evidently, her perspective on life is simple and she’s wholly gentle in her approach with the clients. That’s exactly why her customer base continues to grow today.

If you love your work and NOT your website and are ready to grow and scale your business go to laurakamark.com to find out how I can help bring your vision to life.
Full Episode Transcript

Laura Kåmark
Hey everyone. Welcome to the Be Bold Make Waves Podcast, a show bringing you inspiring stories of women who are growing and scaling their business. I’m your host, Laura Kåmark, a website and tech integration specialist who works with online business owners who love their work and not their website. Join me as we have incredible conversations about business mindset, productivity, and of course, the website and tech behind the business. Let’s go ahead and dive in to this week’s episode.

Laura Kåmark
Hello, and welcome to today’s show. My name is Laura Kåmark. I’m a website and tech integration specialist who works with women who love their work, but not their website. I’m so excited to introduce you to my guest today Jeannie Dougherty. As a determined woman ready to make a positive impact on the world. Jeannie continues to help people from all walks of life. She’s a coveted counselor, certified money coach, and mental fitness coach and speaker. Moreover, she works with businesses, individuals, and couples to help them find better ways to reach their goals. Over the years her efforts have earned her a reputation among clients who are ever eager to vouch for her holistic skills. Jeannie, thank you so much for being on the show today. Can you tell our audience a little more about you and how you help people?

Jeannie Dougherty
Sure, thank you so much. So years ago, I became a counselor, I still am one. But I went to school and I became a counselor. And I noticed one of the scariest things that people have to deal with when it comes to their mental health is their money. So for over 10 years, as a counselor, I’ve dealt with money issues for individuals, definitely for couples and for family members and small business owners. And I don’t think I recognized it really as a skill set. It was more of a stressor that somebody who was already anxious or depressed or some other issue that was going on. And I was there trying to help the person navigate as best they could without getting sicker. And so what I realized is that all of my clients actually did great when they listen to my advice, when it came to the money as well as other things. And then they did terrible when they didn’t. So as a counselor, you spend more time like, how can I make a better suggestion? Or when could I make an intervention? Or do I need to be like, Hey, Laura, the next time you tell me, you’re going to take $200 And you’re gonna go spend it on Ulta. Because you want new makeup to make yourself feel better. You promised that we were going to talk about before you made the purchase. And so having to just have what I would say some simple skill was what I just kind of did and didn’t worry about it. And I actually found the money piece to be the most fascinating. So I learned really like I would do the research like how do you figure out how to pay your rent, when you didn’t have a lot of money or you run out? You know, or you’re you’re worried or you’re concerned, I learned how to help couples negotiate really challenging divorces, or if they’re going to stay married? How do you deal with your inheritance when it comes to the children? I also dealt with family members who had been cut off or unfortunately the the estate had been mismanaged. And so somebody had to figure out, how are we going to get the money back? If at all? Or how are we going to recoup and move forward. And then I have what I would say ever so talented small business owner who was doing everything, and then trying to stay on top of it and realizing that, you know, part of their stress was when they either ignored their money situation. Or they went too far. Like they expanded too much in their business. And then they were like how the heck am I going to pay this week’s you know, like complete pay the employees, I don’t even know how like they tapped to everything. So I had seen it from just about every angle. And then what happened is I moved I moved from the West Coast. I lived in Phoenix at the time. This is during the time of the of the recession it hits as you probably know, Laura, it hit. And maybe some of the listeners will know this, it hit on the West Coast, pretty hard pretty fast. And it was the housing market. So overnight, people would be homeless because their jobs were gone. Sometimes people just had to like leave the homes they had just bought like two months earlier. There were all kinds of heroic CLI, whoa, really scary stuff that people were trying to deal with. And not everyone made it through that recession. But I was given an opportunity at the time to move east coast with my husband. And we did that. And so it was I think a positive sign. But it was also one of our biggest challenges because the cost of living was about the same except for housing. Housing was three times more and we were both like how do people afford what? And we were just mesmerized by that Get another money conundrum, how do you actually pay for something? That’s the same house? Okay, really, you pay that much in the mortgage? Wow, that’s crazy. So that’s what I kind of focused on. And it wasn’t until I opened my own business as a counselor here in Maryland, that I realized that Whoa, my money skills were not that great. You see, when I had worked as an employee, I was actually okay, you know, I just had steady income, I knew what to do. I knew how to pay stuff down, knew all kinds of you know what I would say basic money skills called your budget. But once I had a business, it was a whole different story. My Financial communication skills, were not that great, like dealing with my own family, dealing with vendors who didn’t pay me dealing with clients who didn’t pay me asking for, you know, all kinds of stuff. I was like, Oh, dear, and then having to what we call money manifestation, like, how do you create clients? Well, hopefully, your marketing and sales is doing that for you. But if you’re really new to the game, what it’s about right, and how to get the right mindset around manifestation. And then the thing that I just had a conversation with a gentleman who just lost a few million dollars, due to some health issues and family issues and Pandemic concerns. And basically what happened is I said, Well, did you have any money recovery skills? And he’s like, I have never heard of that. And I said, yeah, when you own your business, you learn that if somebody doesn’t pay you or this contract, and you need to go what in a different direction to see where the money is going to come from, because it will come from another direction. So those are the that’s kind of what inspired me to realize, like, Oh, I was like determined, as this little business owner, who was a therapist who was like, I’m going to learn this, I’m going to figure out this whole money thing. And then lo and behold, in 2018, I went into one of my dance classes that I would do for my stress, like, Oh, I’m so stressed out, I want to do this. And there was this flyer on the wall that danced in money, it was two and a half hours away, it was four days. And I was like, I am going I don’t even remember the title. But I was there for four days. And I was like, oh, gosh, what am I doing? I had been playing ridiculous money games in my head, and I and they were all coming from childhood and previous experiences. And also, that nasty thing we call impostor syndrome, which messes with us in all different directions. And I had no idea what to do. So I signed myself up for a year of personal development. And I did it for a year. And then after that, it was the end of 2019. I was like, I think I’m gonna put on my coach, I think I’d be really good at this. And then the pandemic happened. I said, No, maybe not. Not this year, mirror will go away to the economy stabilizes, I feel a little I feel a little like I could probably take this on. Because once you own a business, you know what it takes, or at least I did, I understood what it was going to take, mentally, and emotionally and financially to launch another, another revenue stream another business. So I got all my training data and 2021 became certified. And now here I am, and I’m a money coach, or actually, I refer to myself as a money expert. But yeah, that’s what I do. I love that. What

Laura Kåmark
if interesting, and like, different turns? I love that story. That’s wonderful. Thank you for sharing that. Thank you. So what would you say are some of the money blocks that you see most commonly with, especially like the small business owners that you work with?

Jeannie Dougherty
Yeah, the biggest money blocks that I see are the limitations that we put on ourselves. So one of the things that I hear is, I can’t take X amount of clients, you know, I can’t do more than five or six clients in a month or something like that. And I think what kind of gets stuck in our, in our psyche is, oh, new, new clients are hard. They’re too challenging. And I would say, Well, it depends, I think on what you want to do in your business, would it make sense to hire somebody even part time to do certain duties so that you can take on more revenue so you’re doing what I would call more of the I guess these phases in sales, the more the high touch, meaning you’re doing more the exploration but then the work you can give to somebody else. So that your free time is meant to sort of as you will be the face and the vision and really the power of your business. So then people were like, Oh, she’s amazing. She’s She’s Oh, she’s taking on new clients. So then your look like you’re open for business instead of that my fellow printer and then everything’s like, you know, up and down, up and down, up and down like a roller coaster, which is hard because then people were like, should I give you my will to get done? Because I’ve seen you know overworked solo entrepreneurs that they take the clients they take them Me and nine months later they get the work done are like, whoa, whoa, that’s not a great money skill. No.

Laura Kåmark
So how would you say if someone finds that they are in that situation? They’re like, I do that. They’re listening right now to this episode. They’re like, I totally do that. How do I get out of them? What What advice would you give

Jeannie Dougherty
them? So again, like I said, it’s a limitation. So one of the things I like to do is look at your resources and resources are not always about the money. Meaning, you know, oh, I think I can get all this work done, you know, an X amount of dollars. And I think I’m charging great. Like, that’s my value. It’s like, how much time does it take you to do something? So one of my secrets to being successful as a money expert is I actually shut down my email multiple times throughout the day, and I’ll just check on my phone really fast in case there’s any emergencies. Oh, no, that, and I have found that I am incredibly more productive, I get more done. And I’m much more, you know, I’m easier to interface with, because my time is just as valuable, just as valuable, excuse me, as my money. So I find where we can kind of work just a tad differently with our time that can increase our money and increase our cash flow dramatically. I would also say is, you know, sometimes we’ve got to look at, if we’re not, maybe we don’t make enough money that we could hire somebody consistently or on enough time, you know, to get certain things done, then maybe you need to look at maybe charging more so that you could

Laura Kåmark
I love that I love both those. I do that with email, I will shut down my email. I don’t check it neurotically I like just I walk away from it. And my clients know, I’ll get back to them when I’m checking it. And I tried to be really good about setting the boundaries. I just sent out at the end of last week, because at the time of this recording were just a few weeks away before Christmas. And I sent out emails already just letting my clients know that this week it’s going to I’m going to be limited work schedule. And then I’m offline until early like January 10. Yeah, and just setting that boundary. So they know. And part of its communication I find with boundaries is really just communicating with people, like your clients are really good at respecting boundaries when you just let them know what the boundary is. Right? And so letting people know like, Hey, I don’t check my email, every hour, every five minutes. I check it twice a day.

Jeannie Dougherty
Yeah, that’s great. That’s great. And so then the only other thing, what communication, if they’re having a website emergency, what do they do? In your particular case? How would they maybe not reach you? But you know, again, did you hire somebody to handle you know, a website on fire, which I hope would not be happening. But I mean, like, if it happens, you know, because that’s all people really need to know. And this is like communication, one on one. But this is how you make millions in your business. You you train people, what is the routine way to get a hold of you, then you let them know if it’s something urgent than may get bumped up? In some cases, you charge more for that, depending on the type of work that you do. And then lastly, if it’s you know, a real emergency, then you know, then you have somebody who’s there to answer the call, or if it’s you, then you take care of it. And then all sudden, your your job is like way easier. And I find the minute you charge for urgent work, those emergencies will get far less.

Laura Kåmark
I 100%. Yeah, I definitely I have rush fees, I have emergency fees. And a lot of time those emergencies turn into not being that high importance. So I love that. How so when you’re working with clients, are you doing a lot of one on one work? Do you do group coaching? Do you have courses? Can we talk a little bit about how you work with clients?

Jeannie Dougherty
Yes. So what I’m doing right now is I offer a money Bootcamp for individuals as well as for people who want to join my next ones, January 16 2023, you guys all have some time, okay. But the reason I did that is that I find, you know, when we talk about like, oh, I have these limits, in order to really break through and get past, you know, the imposter syndrome, limiting beliefs. You don’t have to like beat it out of your brain and do hours of meditation and eons of yoga, if that’s what you think is going to be needed or read, you know, Think and Grow Rich, you know, a million times No, I find you just need to retrain your brain and about, you know, 15 minutes a day. I have a cutting edge app. And it allows people to do this and then that’s why we meet for one hour a week so that we can just talk people who have I would say more complex issues hire me individually, but a lot of people love what the the groups and money boot camps because they’re like, oh, yeah, I think the same thing. I didn’t even know that. Oh my gosh, right. Because then all of a sudden it kind of normalizes the thing, which is I’ve been telling myself the story about my money and then hearing it from you. I’m like that That’s, that’s the moment. And it’s really our experience that teaches us and trains us to become better, better versions of ourselves. Not you know how fast we can get something done, or how quickly we can read through a book. That doesn’t work. Yeah, I love

Laura Kåmark
group. I love group pro programs, group coaching for that very reason where you have other people showing up and saying the things that you’re feeling and you’re like, I’m not alone. I’m this is normal. This is like other people are feeling. And then that feeling of feeling heard and understood. So I think that’s amazing that you do that in a group container.

Jeannie Dougherty
Yeah, yeah. I just had a conversation with a CFP today. And they were like, how do you get people to to actually do their budget? I can’t even get people to do that. And I was like, yeah, see that? Again, that’s all my psychology. And that’s why, you know, if you’re in a group, you have enough accountability, nobody’s looking at your actual numbers. But you need to be able to feel confident, comfortable and confident enough to look at your numbers. Because once you know where you’re at, you can figure out where you need to go, like, there’s not a lot of, you know, oh, no, you don’t have the right money. No, you’re my, your money is going to be fine. Even if you start off with $1, you will go in a direction. I’ve seen so many, what I call a little money, miracles, people who were like, turned it around, and because I’m like, I’m trying to teach them skills. And I’m like, Oh, they’re getting it. And all sudden, they got a brand new client that, you know, at the rate that they wanted to, you know, get paid for the amount of hours they want to get paid. I was like, there you go for somebody who has an hourly rate. I’ve had clients, you know, not use what I call their winning money power. And, you know, they signed a contract, or they got involved with a client. And it was, as it happens, you know, these things happen, that we get ourselves into little money conundrums. And they’re like, Yeah, this, this didn’t go well. But then sure enough, literally, two days later, something happened. And that’s what I mean by those money recovery skills. You know, if you just stay in a place of I’m a failure, I deserve this, this was terrible. I thought it was going to work out like this, then that’s all you repeat, instead of, ooh, this did not work out. I didn’t see this coming. I’m going to learn differently next time. And I’m still going to make it clear in terms of money manifestation, what it is that I want.

Laura Kåmark
I love that. I love that so much. I think that we can get stuck in those downward spirals. And getting those having those little triggers or reminders to pull ourselves out of it can make such a huge difference in everything and our money and our mindset and our mood in just in how life is going for us. Exactly. I know I have a coach I’ve worked with and she had said something once and it was and I put it on a post it and it’s things always work out for me.

Jeannie Dougherty
Oh, perfect. That’s like the affirmation. Everything’s going to work out right now.

Laura Kåmark
It works out and it does. Everything works out. And so I love that so much. Would you say I want to talk a little bit about the tech side of things as a web designer and like tech integration person, I love talking tech. Excuse me. Can you tell me a little bit about the tech on the back end of your business?

Jeannie Dougherty
Yeah, so it’s an app. And thank god, somebody else designed it. Because even though I understand technology, don’t look at me to to fix or build it. And who has to be like, No, I’m gonna get on the help, or I’m gonna get on the emergency jackets, I don’t know. But basically, it’s a redesign, or I should say, reach site. It’s a cutting edge app. And it’s called Positive Intelligence, and you have to work with a coach to do it. You can’t just sign up on your own timer. I know, I wish, right. But they literally have four times a day, you know, moments that you actually get to program, when you’re you think you most likely will be free for about two minutes a day for you to do practice different exercises. So what we do is, you know, from a coach perspective is we can go in on our back end, and we can look to see, are you actually fulfilling this? Are you doing this? So that helps with the accountability? Because what people will tell me is, I just want everything on the computer, right? You know, I want everything on the computer. Yeah, they take their phone to the bathroom. They’ll tell you about it. They take their phone to the coffee shop, they take their phone in the car, they it’s you know, and so it’s like, really, I think what it is, is, again, talk about a self fulfilling prophecy. You create what you think are the only ways that you can receive information. And yet if you had to work on an app that would hold you accountable, you’re like, oh, no, but that’s the whole point is that you get better each week. We use the phrase blameless discernment. Meaning we’re not, we’re not shaming you. We’re not blaming you. It’s not a competition. It is how well did you get back to the app? Where did you find maybe I would call your your spot to actually sit down for two minutes. Mine was my car. When I first learned to do this because I was a client like everybody else, that’s how you start, you just don’t get the app and go off and running new, like, become a client. And, you know, it goes, and why I was doing all this, I found my sweet spot was my car, I would arrive someplace, I’d be like, Whoa, I’m like five minutes early, a, and then I’m like, I got two minutes, let me just play this little exercise, I’ll do it in my car, I’m disturbed. And then I went right inside. That was like, my sweet spot. And it worked out brilliant. And it was great during the pandemic, because, you know, we’re supposed to be breathing on everybody. Public spaces, or wherever. And sometimes, you know, for those of you who are parents getting into the cars, you know, it’s time you’re gonna get a break, you know? And if you’re saying, Listen, it’s two minutes, I’m going to be in my car. You know, unless your hair’s on fire, take away, and all sudden, the kids are like, oh, yeah, yeah, I got it.

Laura Kåmark
I love that. And I agree. Like, I mean, I always have my phone with me, I shut down my computer often, yes, but that phone is always with me, I will put my phone away because I also am big, like my ringer is always off. It’s very rare. If I’m expecting a call from like the vet, the phone will be on ring. Other than that, it gets put aside, but it still goes with me everywhere. And I love when a program has an app, or you can access accessibility with your phone, so that I can access it when especially for me, like I walk a lot, I take the dog out, we live at the beach. And so I walked the dog on the beach, because we don’t have a backyard like that doesn’t exist here. And so to walk the dog, we have to take him out a couple times a day. And so for me having the phone and being able to listen in on the earbuds is really helpful for me with programs. So I love that you do that.

Jeannie Dougherty
Yeah. And again, it’s just you know, you get to pick your time. So for instance, if you worked at night shift, which happens, people sometimes work really odd hours, then you could literally set up the program to work at night. Oh, shocker. If you’re the type of person who’s like I want to do to the exercises first thing in the morning, because I can do six minutes, you know, that works. And you know, because like during the day lunch hour is just too crazy busy. But then like around three, four o’clock in the afternoon, you’re like, I got five minutes, I can do it, then there you go. That’s how you do it. And when people make those, you know, personal freedom choices, then it’s it’s like, yeah, you’re using the technology to to suit you instead of I can’t possibly do a training at 9am for two minutes. Well, okay. When could you do it? I

Laura Kåmark
love that. Love that so much. What would you say? Were some of the fears and doubts you had when you were doing the pivot in your business? And how did you overcome them?

Jeannie Dougherty
So when I first ran my counseling business, let me tell you, I was so naive. I did not know what I did not know. And boy, I just kept walking myself into problem after problem. So I feel like I spent Yeah, really the first time, you know, in my business, just being really angry at myself, feeling like I should have known this. And yet my craft is really what I knew at the time. I mean, that’s what I understood that I didn’t really know about the rest of the stuff. And I didn’t have any family members, or mentors. So I was like, Ooh, next time get somebody who’s done this before, because everyone was like, Well, I don’t know. So the other thing that I learned was that trying to create this, this opportunity was going to take time. And there was only so much time I could go to networking events. I could, you know, connect with other people you know about what it is that I did. You know, I had to buy lunches at doctors offices. I didn’t know I needed to do that. So I could get referrals. It did pay off. I’m glad I did it. But it was exhausting to do that. But I had no idea. So it was like learning sales and marketing and then the operation side and then Oh. So the good news is when I went to money coaching school, I learned why I was such a mess for so long. You actually do eight different roles as a solo entrepreneur, before you hire somebody, oh my goodness. When it told me that, it’s only what right? It’s eight different roles. So you know and guess what the two biggest people usually just, you know, kind of hit the hit the dirt on pretty hard, which is the sales and marketing piece like operations is usually a little easier for most people. But you know, most people are just like, I need to start a business. They don’t even know like the legal requirements. That’s a whole different conversation. They’re like, I need to get a website. They know that. And so they usually spend hours like on Wix or WordPress trying to figure it out themselves. And when I say trying to figure it out, I mean they will probably put in at least 200 hours in the middle of the night. trying to create a website and you’re like, why didn’t you just hire somebody? Oh, no, I can do it without understanding any, you know, concept of how much time and money and energy are you going to spend building a Wix website that your cousin built, you know, in frustration trying to figure this out, how much longer is that gonna take, instead of maybe go to more networking meetings and introduce yourself and have a business card, something like that. So just learning that was like, huge for me. So this time, when I started my business, like when I started the what I call the new revenue stream was I’m still a counselor that didn’t go away. But I just see less of my private practice clients, I don’t see as many which is, which is actually quite nice to admit, I’m still open to seeing clients, but I’m just like, going, I just don’t take as many, which is really nice. But what I learned was that, okay, you’re gonna have to spend a good year Genie, getting your marketing and sales way better. So I already had the websites, I was good there. But then I had to really rework the email, like and understand how the heck you do that. So I hired somebody, oh, my God, save me hours, set me up. For some sanity, I had a VA, which is great for actually sending my emails, because that was not my tech skill, it’s not my skills, or, you know, you’re hearing more about them. What they don’t, didn’t have, thank God, I had a website person, I figured that piece out. And then I had to do this really painful process of the marketing stuff, which is, you will tell people what it is that you’re you do. And what they tell you back is really what your marketing is. And I learned that from my first business of like, people don’t like recognize what you do, they’re gonna fill in the blank with something, they think what it is, even if it’s not even close, and you try to tell them right now, it’s just that. So learning that piece was like, I’m gonna get so much better. As soon as I invested my time, my you know, my energy of like, I’m gonna take some free classes that people are offering on marketing. And you know, so I can, so I started kind of knew a lot of it, but there’s some stuff I was like, I didn’t even think about that. And then you know, then you get it done. And then all of a sudden, your marketing suddenly makes more sense, you suddenly have clients because then people understand you. And where did I put the my time, money and energy on the stuff that it was weakest? Because I know where your gap is, when it comes to your money? The minute you fix that gap, you fixed your money, then you’re profitable, then you’re happier, then you get to like, oh, do I want to hire two or three people for this project? Ah, then it works out so much better.

Laura Kåmark
I love that I think you hit on so many good points there. And something else that really stood out to me was when you’re talking about the importance of recognizing that, how when you talk about what you do, how it’s said back to you the importance of that, because I find that so often when I go to someone’s website, and I look and I read like that top piece of the website, called the hero section is like your most valuable real estate, and people need to know what you do within three seconds of landing on your site. And so often I read that I’m like, I don’t understand what you do. And that’s the piece I’m like, you have to get so crystal clear so that people know they’re in the right place. And if you’re too jargony, too technical, people don’t understand. Right? Exactly. People don’t want to ask because it doesn’t feel good to feel like I don’t understand what you do. And this doesn’t make sense to me, that must be on me. And that must mean something about me when really it just means the messaging isn’t clear. So I think that’s really important that you touched on that so much.

Jeannie Dougherty
And I remind people like like so you know, LinkedIn is free, right? LinkedIn is piece of cake. Right? You can put in like, I worked here, I did the following duties, you know, it’s pretty free thing, right? And people will still tell me, I will not get on my LinkedIn and like, upgrade, like they did something new or added some. And I’m like, Whoa, it’s a free website. It can help you tremendously when you’re needing clients when people’s doing a search and all this stuff. And I know, I know, I’m not ready. Again, that’s eliminating the limited Billy. But when I like hopped on my LinkedIn, I was like, Well, where are the best strategies for you to figure out how to get this done so people could find me and then it was just, you know, it’s, I go back every 45 days and I upgrade my my post or I should say my bio, or I mess with the the keywords a little bit or all just my little headline. And I remind every person I talked to him, so you got to do that. Because it’s a living, breathing document of what it is that you’re doing. It’s part of your evolution. And again, if you’re starting something new, and it’s not even on your LinkedIn, which is why are you doing it Same thing, why are you just like that, again is like, you know, as a as a money expert like, hey, anything that’s free, that advertises for you what it is that you do, please take care of that. Because that will help generate that revenue. One of the smartest things that you mentioned to me and I went, I didn’t know this because I do look at me, I’m so silly. I feel like I’m so old owning a business. I thought, really, the website was more like a billboard. And as a counselor, it does, it operates as a billboard, because everybody kind of roughly knows what you do. They just want to know, like, in what configuration? So do you handle therapists do you do LGBTQ? Are you a Christian therapist? Do you see couples families? It’s just it’s, it’s basically matrix thinking. But that’s all it is. And so then they want to know, insurance and prices. And that’s it. I mean, even though I know, the spent hours trying to craft the perfect message for the client, no matter they don’t care about that. They’re looking at, you know, will you fit what I need? Because there’s, well, there’s not maybe a ton of us, but there’s, there’s quite a few of us. So it’s not like nobody’s ever heard of a therapist or a counselor or something like that. But the new phase with money, right now is that people are becoming more hybrid. So what that means is that you may do three or four things for income revenue streams, not just one. And you have got to be able to explain that on your website somewhere. Somewhere. And you know, so you at least differentiate your services and do that or have What’s that separate websites. And people have not thought of that, because they thought it was all the same. But when you were explaining you have to know where to go. So for instance, if you read my bio, what’s the next thing that you need to see? Is it an appointment? Or is it you know that you want to take them to the fees page? Or is it they want to look into services, you know, blah, blah, or all three? I don’t know. But like, that’s an example of where do you need to go and I just went, I never thought of it that way if giving people because in my mind, I was like, I never paid attention to that. When I went on a website. I just was like, I don’t have fees. I’m done. Or oh, how much does this thing cost? Oh, looks like it’s free. Hahaha. It has no price, you know, you know, some beta thing that looks it’s gonna cost you money that even Elon Musk probably doesn’t have right now since Tesla’s tanking. And Twitter’s not doing so hot for 44 billion. Okay. But yeah, so it’s stuff like that, that I was like, Oh, my gosh, what a light bulb. That’s website expertise. That is website. Website care? Yeah. And that comes from somebody who’s an expert like you, Laura.

Laura Kåmark
Yep, absolutely. I mean, there’s different types of websites, you can have a website that is just a billboard. And that’s not what I built for clients, I build websites that are interactive. And what that means is exactly what you talked about where you think about the customer journey, and when someone lands on a page, like each page has a purpose. And we keep it simple, there’s no reason to have access information, access things, because you want a confused mind doesn’t buy and a confused mind leaves. And so really like the beauty of a website, and what you can do, especially when using integrations is like connecting all the pieces, so that it all flows together. And that when someone comes to your website, it because your website also is like living and breathing. And it doesn’t, it’s not like you set it up once and then you’re done. As you your business evolves, you want to go in and like update that and make those changes. I just had a VIP day with a client yesterday where we went in and just like because her business has evolved since we built it, and made the little tweaks and changes that were needed to just bring it up to speed with where she’s at now and how she’s showing up for clients now. But then again, like making sure everything’s connected, making sure the thing I see most on sites and it just like it hurts my soul because I wish I’m like these are to me, it’s such an easy fix. But when people have like links that don’t work, like they’ll go and I’ll try to click on Like their Instagram or their LinkedIn that’s down, it should be down here, your footer, don’t put it up at the top, because you’d spend all that time getting someone on your website, please don’t have them go away. Yeah, have them go through the page. They’ll look for it in the footer. But then they click on the link and it’s like, Oops, that account doesn’t exist. And you’re like, I was gonna go try to follow you and all these other places, and now I can’t. Right. And so that’s a missed opportunity that I see often. And the other thing is like just again, like bad links, links, not working things not making sense. Not being able to find the information. Right, right. Yeah, that’s also important with the website. Absolutely. And I find a lot of that can sometimes relate back to like the money blocks, right, like people just won’t put the buy button. They bury it.

Jeannie Dougherty
Yep. Yeah. And I also think, you know, again, somebody’s just says oh, I guess it falls on me or this, you know, mighty cousin in Wisconsin, you know, who I don’t know how often they work, you know? Oh, they said they’ll get around Aren’t you but talk to anybody who works at a home based business? And how many distractions? Or interruptions are you going to have on a day to day basis that you have to be like, oh, shoot, if this is really timely, then I need to know that and you probably surprise, want to pay them more. So then they know it’s what it is. And which is another thing that people need to also figure out that you know, your high, medium and low when it comes to your clients. Because a high high level client or ability to pay for, like you said rushed or urgent fees? Well, they’re like, Oh, no problem. Thank you for handling this import eight hours. If it’s that urgent, you know, I don’t think you’re gonna get a website done for eight hours, but we’ll just say it’s a page, you know, if something that would be reasonable, that could be done. And then it’s like, Okay, done.

Laura Kåmark
Done. Easy peasy. Yeah, absolutely. So I would love to know, What is something you would say that you’re doing that is being bold in the industry? Something you’re doing a little different?

Jeannie Dougherty
Oh, well, my entire business. Okay. So when I went to certified money coaching School, which is brilliant, I learned about eight money archetypes when I did the mental fitness training, because it just fell into my lap, I literally finished on day, whatever it was, it was like and then two days later, mental fitness showed up. And I didn’t even think I wanted to do it. I had coaching friends who were like, We want you Come on, we will be great. And it turns out surprised as better at than they were, in some respects, because I figured I was already in the coaching mode and education. So I was like, oh, what I need to do? Okay, well, that’s it anytime today, before midnight, I got it, you know, and I was, you know, just so like, oh, and I got that. So what I was able to do was do this really interesting thing, I was able to combine the mental fitness along with the money coaching, and create its own system, so that people can watch see themselves from different angles, as well as have more data, their data that they get to actually, you know, oh, is that what I do when I self sabotage? Is that when I do when I go through this, you know, in money in money coaching, we talked about like these dynamics that we will play, you know, the martyr, I have to sacrifice everything to take care of so and so. And then when it comes down to nobody met your timeline, you supposedly hired people, then you become like a tyrant. And you’re yelling and screaming. And people are like, well, that’s fine. I’ll work with you. And it’s like, well, if you had different money dynamics, those things would not be triggered. And you could interact differently. Again, money communications, like a big thing. How do you have a conversation? We use something a little faster? Is there an option on your website? Or waiting emails? Is there any chance I could, you know, do a rush? Turns out I need this, you know, and then Oh, sure, here it is. And then you pay for it. And then it’s done. Like, it’s just amazing how that clarity can happen when people need it. People will create, oh, this works. It’s when we try to do everything all by ourselves, or we rely on people that we know can barely get it done. And oh man can be a mess. It’s just gonna be a mess. That’s why family businesses are very complicated and messy. You know, the business itself is profitable, but who’s taking what money? Yeah. Oh, but we bought you a house and but they don’t have the money skills to pay the mortgage. What would be a better choice than if this person was not good at paying their mortgage? Somebody else loved the home. Oh, man.

Laura Kåmark
Yeah, good stuff. Well, Jeannie, we are getting close to our time, I could sit and talk to you about this all day long. But I do have one final question that I asked everyone who comes on the show. And that is, what is one piece of advice that you would give to someone that when they’re first starting out in their business that would help them be bolder, be louder and make waves in the industry?

Jeannie Dougherty
I love that huge question. One piece of advice to have you be bolder. Be willing to be the expert in the room. You know, so if you’re the Mary Kay salesperson, then willing to be the Mary Kay expert salesperson. If you are a I’m gonna say a career coach, then be the expert career coach for people over the age of 35 who have to transition to whatever career they need to know if you are a CFP, Certified Financial Planner, be an expert financial planner and helping people grow and save and protect their money in whatever following ways. You know, that’s what I would say be willing to be the expert because that actually diminishes that impostor syndrome. That’s a mental fitness thing, by the way. Didn’t matter if the imposter syndrome to diminish it? Yeah.

Laura Kåmark
I love that. I think that’s excellent advice. Jeannie, thank you so much for being on the show today. Can you tell our listeners where they can go find you hang out with you get some more Genie in their life.

Jeannie Dougherty
Yeah, well of course I mentioned I’m on LinkedIn. I’m under my name Genie Doherty. Just just to think a little profile surprise, you can find me that way if and feel free to reach out and friend me no problem. My website is my name Jeanne doherty.com. That was sometimes the best advice I got, which was own your name. You know, because I’m not a product and the service so that makes sense. And then of course, I’m on Instagram and Facebook. I got off Twitter. This is this is not financial vibe I want to be um, so I’m on plenty in terms of social media. So yeah, I would say Genie daredi.com I offer a free money type quiz, which is on my website, you can find it like right under I think it’s under Services. And I have a weekly free money masterclass if you want to take that career leap. And you’re like, what does it take from the finances? Because I’ve already walked that path, and I can tell you what you need to do, and know what the skills are.

Laura Kåmark
Wonderful. Well, I will link all that up in the show notes. Thank you again, so much for being on the show today.

Jeannie Dougherty
Thank you so much, Laura, for having me and I know we’re going to be in contact.

Laura Kåmark
Thanks so much for listening to this week’s episode. Be sure to check out the show notes at Laurakamark.com/podcast. And if you’re ready to turn your website into a marketing machine, get more sales, save time and simplify the back into your business. Grab my free resource power integrations for your website. Head on over to Laurakamark.com/power. Thanks so much for listening. See you next week. Bye now.


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I’m a web designer and tech integrator for female business owners who love their work but NOT their website. When you have big visions for your business I help bring them to life. 

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