The Google and Yahoo email compliance update will be comprehensively explained to ensure transparency and adherence to email compliance standards.

2024 Google and Yahoo Email Compliance Update

January 15, 2024

What is the 2024 Email Compliance Update?

Basically, in 2023 Google and Yahoo announced that they are planning to implement new email authentication requirements to make it harder for spammers to spam. Starting in February 2024, Google and Yahoo will begin to block and filter email traffic that doesn’t meet specific domain authentication and procedure requirements.

This has always been an email “best practice” but now it will be REQUIRED.

Why are they doing this?

To cut down on spam. I know my inbox (especially my old yahoo account) is full of so much spam. Google and Yahoo are going to use these new requirements to cut down on spam email (so yay!!!). But this does mean that anyone who is planning on email marketing in 2024 and beyond, needs to take the steps to get in compliance so that your emails will be delivered to your customers inboxes.

In the past your email service provider (ActiveCampaign, ConvertKit, Mailerlite, etc) would vouch for you. So when you would send an email from ActiveCampaign to the people on list, ActiveCampaign would vouch for you and say, “yes, this email is coming from Laura Kåmark and she’s not a spammer”.

Now Google and Yahoo will no longer accept that, and you must have authentication in place for your actual domain to prove that you are who you say you are, and also put in place better safety measures so your domain is protected and the spammers aren’t able to hack into your stuff and send spoof emails that look like they are from you (think of the a.

What do I need to do?

You need to make sure of the following:

  • Authenticate your emails using DKIM, SPF, and DMARC.
  • Keep spam complaints below 0.3%
  • Allow people to unsubscribe by clicking just one link, and honor unsubscribes within two days.

What happens if I don’t do anything?

Basically your emails will stop being delivered to anyone you email who has gsuite, gmail, outlook, yahoo and any of their affiliates. Which is a huge chunk of the email addresses that are sent email to every day.

I have a small list, does this apply to me?

Yup! Google has said 5k for bulk sending, however Yahoo has stated there is no minimum volume where these requirements are applicable. It’s being recommended that if you are sending any bulk emails, to set up authentication regardless of list size. Here are two articles from reputable email sending platforms with further information:

Is there anything else I need to know?

Yup, make sure to have a list that is full of active users who open and engage with your emails. If they aren’t opening, then remove them off your list. And If they ask to unsubscribe, make sure to do it within 2 days.

How do I make these changes?

If you’re techie, and comfortable going into your DNS to make changes, here are some tutorials on how to make these changes yourself:

Constant Contact

Or you can hire me to make these updates:

Yes! I’ve created an offer to help my clients get in compliance.

You can find out more info here.

To be eligible for the offer, you should already have:

  • Domain registration (ie: you own your URL –
  • Branded domain email address ([email protected]).
  • Email marketing service (ie: ConvertKit, ActiveCampaign, Kajabi, Flodesk, etc.).

Additional resources:

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I’m a web designer and tech integrator for female business owners who love their work but NOT their website. When you have big visions for your business I help bring them to life. 

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