Ep. 42: The Power of Streamlining your Business Processes with Kim Roth

July 19, 2023
Kim Roth feature image

Meet Kim:

Kim is the founder of Allura Connections and believes in keeping your tech simple, which also keeps your business simple. She works with business owners who are ready to simplify their tech and scale their business with a solution that lets them focus on their clients, instead of worrying about their backend tech.

She worked in IT for over 20 years, and her number one responsibility was to always provide a solution that would make someone’s job EASIER. She transitioned those skills into working with online business owners to help them connect the “tech” in a way that lets a business run efficiently and smoothly.

If you love your work and NOT your website and are ready to grow and scale your business go to laurakamark.com to find out how I can help bring your vision to life.
Full Episode Transcript

Laura Kåmark [00:00:01]:

Hey, everyone. Welcome to the Be Bold Make Waves podcast. A show bringing you inspiring stories of women who are growing and scaling their business. I’m your host Laura Kåmark, a website and tech integration specialist who works with online business owners who love their work and not their website. Join me as we have incredible conversations about business mindset, productivity, and, of course, the website and tech behind the business. Let’s go ahead and dive in to this week’s episode. Hello, and welcome to today’s show. For those of you who don’t already know me, I’m Laura Kåmark, a website and tech integration specialist for women who love their work, but not their website. I am so excited for my guests today, Kim Roth. Kim is the founder of Allura Connections and believes in keeping your tech simple, which is like one of my core values, which is one of the reasons I’m so excited. She also keeps your business simple. She works with business owners who are ready to simplify their tech and scale their business with a solution that lets them focus on their clients instead of worrying about the back end tech. She worked in IT for over 20 years, and her number one responsibility was to always provide a solution that would make someone’s job easier. She transitioned those skills into working with online business owners to help them connect the tech in a way that lets a business run efficiently and smoothly Kim, thank you so much for coming on the show today. Can you tell our listeners a little bit more about you and how you got to where you are today?

Kim Roth [00:01:40]:

Oh, boy. Well, first of all, I’m so glad that I’m here. Thank you so much for inviting me and having me here. Jeez. It’s you know, I think everybody has this journey. So many people think overnight success, especially, like, in social media where somebody’s posting, and you just think it happened overnight in a straight line, and it does not So the one thing, I guess, that has always been consistent is I’ve always been interested in tech. I took a computer programming course in high school, and that kinda solidified, like, my path that I went to college, you know, got my degree. got my first job and did not come from an entrepreneurial family, so that was always kinda not so much drilled in, but know, that was just the path that you’re gonna graduate, you’re gonna go get a job, have a family, you know, work until you’re 65, retire, all of that, So my kids were growing up, and I was not happy at my job. And I decided I needed a pivot. I I didn’t even know the whole online world existed. I mean, I knew people I knew people made websites and stuff, but I didn’t really know that this that it even was there, that there was the connections to be made and all of that to be made online. And I had a friend who was a beach body coach and, yeah, invited me to be on her team, and that was kind of what opened my eyes, but it took me a little bit to figure out I’m not a coach. It was the behind the scenes tech that I always really love to do and I’ve dabbled in a few different things along the way, Facebook ads, chatbots, just like you know, all the things that you kinda touch on until you end up back at, like, what it is you’re made to do. And for me, that is really, like, tech and processes and systems. That is what I understand and what that’s yeah. Arizona Genius. I guess, being a tech nerd.

Laura Kåmark [00:03:50]:

I love that so much, and that is totally my love language. I love, as you know, because we’ve talked about stuff before. I love all the tech, all the simplifying the back end, and it’s so much fun for me. So I’m so excited we get to geek out on this today. and share some of your brilliance with my audience. So talk a little bit about like tech is such like I do the tech and back end. What systems and what programs are you very like? These are the things you mostly work with. That’s kind of your zone.

Kim Roth [00:04:25]:

So I started with Kajabi, where I was really only doing Kajabi course. sales pages, just course back end. And then in the end of 20

Laura Kåmark [00:04:40]:

20, 2019,

Kim Roth [00:04:41]:

funnel gorgeous came out with FG funnels, and that really introduced me to like this software, which has everything inside of it. So you can have your calendars there. You can have your funnels, your website, your and they continue to add to it. Like, now you can have your blog, and you can have your course membership, and then the automations inside of it that you can do with it to simplify your business is just below my mind. Every time I work with a client and we take their process and we’re like, well if we could do it in here with these workflows and maybe a zap or 2, and everything just flows for them so much easier. So I still do kajabi, but FG funnels are high level. That’s really that’s What? The love of my life? The love of your tech. Yeah. The love of my tech.

Laura Kåmark [00:05:40]:

Yeah. Where what do you find? Like, if someone in our audience is listening and they’re just like, man. I know my systems and processes are nothing streamlined. My tech back end is a mess. Do you have any tips for, like, what’s the first step people should take in really looking at, I guess, kind of doing an audit of the back end of their things of being like, where could I be more efficient?

Kim Roth [00:06:04]:

Yeah. So I just had to do that because my own systems had gotten a little muddy and things weren’t flowing easily the way I set up for my clients. It’s like this it’s the shoemakers children’s story. How, yes, how your children have outgrown their shoes, but you just don’t have time to go buy them or make them new ones. And so I finally sat back and went through my whole process and figured out where I can streamline So I feel like that is the like, the first place is to just sit there and go through, you know, what is does your onboarding look like What does your freebie funnels look like? Are you using them to Like, do you only have, like, the first email in your freebie funnel that’s delivering the freebie or have you expanded on that so that you can lead them into the first offer with you. You know, your calendars, do you have your appointment reminders set up? Are you manually sending out the Zoom link I’ve talked to many people who manually send the Zoom link. I’m like, why are you doing that? We can like, that’s one of the like, the easiest things that we can automate for you, so you don’t have to worry about that. So I think that’s the key thing. It’s just sitting there and going through the processes, and seeing where you’re at now and then asking the question, can I automate this? Is there an easier way? How have I seen other people do things? and then

Laura Kåmark [00:07:37]:

yeah. I love that so much because, yeah, there’s so much of our business. I mean, I know I literally sat down today, and I had sent a Voxer message to my my business coach. I was just like, I have these ideas, and I don’t know what to do next. And she said, make me a Google doc and, like, just brain dump it all out, all the things you wanna do. And then at the very bottom, I actually added in, like, just things I want to do for my business, like, some of the back end stuff, some adding some more case studies, some all these things, and I’m like, man, like, when I looked at it, like, these ideas I have, it felt like I had 4 things. I mean, they’re not that simple once you, like, dig down and, like, expand on it and create the things. There’s a lot more bullet points that will happen. But I was like, this might by this. And then I look at the other list, I’m like, oh, yeah, it’s all these things on mock business that it takes so much time. So anytime we can just automate, simplify, automate, or delegate, meaning that back end stuff, it just it freeze up our times, who instead of being on the back end of the business, let’s go work on the front end, making offers, building connection, getting on podcasts and just increasing visibility.

Kim Roth [00:08:48]:

That’s really where you see the change happen in your business. That’s at least what I saw. Yes. Definitely. And when you do that, like, when you take the time to actually, like, brainstorm your own business and realize where you can save time Yes. It takes time to save time, but you just have to keep your eye on the light at the end of the tunnel because once you get through that, and it’s automated and set up for you, like, that’s when it begins to work for you, and you actually see where it’s saving you time, and you can do more of that front end. business stuff that you’d love to do. I mean, I don’t know that anybody really loves doing the admin part.

Laura Kåmark [00:09:29]:

open. It always takes so much time. Like, yes. Until you start automating as much as you can. So, like, similar to what you had said, I have Like, I have a scheduling setup with a I use acuity. And so I send a link, and that’s how people schedule appointments with me whether it’s discovery call to find out if we’re a good fit to work together, whether it’s a podcast interview, any of those things all goes through my acuity. It’s synced up with my Google Calendar, So if I have time I’m taking off, you know, it’s summer right now. At the time of this recording, I’ve been off for a little bit with some family trips and some business trips. All that’s already on my calendar. It’s blocked off so no one can schedule anything with me because it syncs up. with, you know, by the power of integration. Yep. And then someone goes, they book, they fill out my questionnaire, All that goes over to an Airtable form that the lovely Jackie Money set up for me. She was on an earlier podcast episode, which I can link up in the show notes. And the reminder emails just happen. I get an email saying someone booked, the person who booked gets an email that they can then add it to their calendar. And then I have reminder email set up, and it has the Zoom link automatically gets included in that email. It has reminder emails that go out. I do have a manual email that I also send out the morning of, and the only reason I do that is because it has my picture in it. And I don’t know why I send that out. I don’t do it for podcast interviews, but I do it for any other call that I get on with, like, a client or with a potential new client. And I don’t know why I do that. I’ve I’ve had people talk about me automating it. I’m like, I like doing it. I schedule it out, and I think it kinda triggers my brain to be, okay, this is happening tomorrow. I schedule it to send the morning of. If it’s something that has an agenda like with the current client, I will put in a little agenda. Mhmm. And then I print out that email to have in front of me for the call. So it was interesting because when you were talking about automating that, I do also include the Zoom link, which also is included in the acuity. I send a lot of reminders.

Kim Roth [00:11:35]:

Got them. Right? And that was kinda nice because when I went to get on, I was like, well, you just sent me a reminder. I’m just gonna go click on that Zoom link. I didn’t have to go search. It was right there. And that’s why I do that.

Laura Kåmark [00:11:48]:

Yeah. So oh, good. That’s that’s also good to know. I’m not sure even what I have set up, to be quite honest, of how recently you got the last email for the test interview, so that’s good to know. But that’s why I do it because sometimes I’ve gone searching for the link for an email knowing or for a call knowing I’m getting on a call with someone. I’m like, I know they sent it to me. I know I saw it. Now it’s buried in my inbox. Yes. And so that’s one of the reasons. And then I also I think the other reason I like sending out the personal one is it just adds an extra level of like I touch feel — Mhmm. — where people know, like, I it’s not just automate. I am still thinking about them and, like, in case they I don’t know. I don’t have a lot of people know show. I hear horror stories from — Yeah. — colleagues about people know showing for discovery calls. I’m like, I that I’ve ever had that happen?

Kim Roth [00:12:40]:

I cannot remember when the last time was. I had a no show. I mean, I’ve had them things come up. Usually, it’s I’ll get a message so like they don’t make it, but I’m getting a message that hey, my child sick or I hadn’t if it’s usually a family emergency of some sort. And they reply to me. Like, they reply to one of those reminders, and they’re like, hey. I’m sorry. you know, blah blah blah happened? Can we reschedule? But, yeah, I don’t know that I’ve never had anybody, like, not show and not reply back to me with what happened. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, if I have, it’s been a long time.

Laura Kåmark [00:13:22]:

And I think that right there shows the importance of sending all those reminders. Mhmm. because then if if someone I mean, people forget, I get it. Like, we all have super busy lives. Yeah. You know? And so if someone just forgets, like, it happens. But that’s why sending all those, again, automated reminders can just help, like, move your process along again on the back end, and you’re not having to remember to send them because they were just happening. It’s all set up. Oh, I love it. Yes. Love it. Love it. So would you say I know you kinda already touched on that your businesses had some sort of different iterations over the years. I think we all have. It’s kinda interesting, like, how we will pivot throughout our business journey. What would you say was someone like the mindset hurdles you had to overcome when you were you know, get it starting your business or maybe making one of those pivots. Oh, I I

Kim Roth [00:14:16]:

do you ever, like, get over the mindset issues?

Laura Kåmark [00:14:21]:

No. I don’t.

Kim Roth [00:14:24]:

I mean, I was just thinking, like, last week, I even I Voxed for my coach. I’m like, I’m feeling, like, off center. I’m not going in the right direction. And she’s like, what is happening? And I’m like, just I don’t know this, this, and this. But I think I think that’s key. Like, as women, we all have a cycle too, and it’s and that’s what hit last week too. Like, this our cycle hit, and there’s always that one time in a month where all of the insecurities kinda seem to come out, at least for me. And so, usually, that’s when I can recognize, oh, oh, I know what’s coming, and they all kind of bubble to the surface. They’re always there. Like, I think we all have I do. I think everybody, whether they’re just starting or they have a 5 figure or a 6 figure or 7 figure business, those insecurities are always there. You’re always wondering, you know, are you working with the right clients? Are you doing the right thing? Are you gonna have clients next year? And the key that I’ve always done is just try to stay positive as much as possible. reach out to peers this online network that is there. I can’t believe how supportive everybody is with each other. like, just reaching out to I can reach out to another tech person. Like, we can work with the same clients, but we’re still there to support each other. And help each other through whatever it is that’s going on. So that has really been key, especially in this last year. Like, I have really made some close online friends because I don’t wanna talk to my husband about, you know, like Caitlin Harrison and Kim Bowers, Jackie Money, you, and he’s just like, who are you talking about? I’m like, you know my friends.

Laura Kåmark [00:16:25]:

My online business besties.

Kim Roth [00:16:28]:

And so I really think that is key and the mindset is having a good set of friends that know what you’re going through. My local friends have no idea what this is like in the ups and downs that come along with this. and a coach is also has also been key. It’s just being able to reach out to a coach who’s been there. still going through it, but they know how to, like, talk you through it. So, yeah, I mean, that’s That’s what I do for a mindset. Books podcasts knowing that I’m not alone. Like, all of that stuff.

Laura Kåmark [00:17:07]:

I’m not on a this island of entrepreneurship standing alone. Yes. The deserted island. Yes. There are others. I when did you start first start working with a coach? because I know for me working with I’ve worked with numerous coaches over the years, and that again, was transformational in my business, and that was a truly pivotal time where I started to see changes when I started working investing and working with a coach. Yeah.

Kim Roth [00:17:33]:

So the first, I think, the first coach I really had was Jenny Shee, and I did her make it work online program in 2020. So, yeah, so as part of that program, we were supposed to have was gonna be my first, like, in person online entrepreneurial network of it, and that got canceled. And I had, like, 2 or 3 others. lined up for that year and, you know, everything got canceled. But going through her program and that was a group coaching program. But the way she had it structured, you still got a lot of personal attention and just appear how she set up the groups, really made an impact. And then after that, probably 4 or 5 months after that towards the end of 2020, then I also got a one on one code and that I guess I mean, I’ve had gaps in between coaches, and that’s always where I stall out. So, you know, I’ll have a one on one coach. I think, okay. I’m good. I got it. I know what I’m supposed to do, and then I I will stop. and then my business stalls. I think that’s probably mindset gets in the way. You don’t have anybody to talk that stuff through. and then so then I get another coach, and then I can feel like the business start again.

Laura Kåmark [00:19:01]:

I can relate to that so much. Like, yeah, it’s even though I know I have all the answers, I know the answers. I need to hear someone else just either say, yep. You got this, or when I start to get into, like, analysis paralysis, and I’m just spinning. and having a coach be like, just either do this or do that or ask me the questions that I need to ask myself? I had some an offer I was looking at the other day and I’m like, is this shiny object syndrome or could this help me? And so I went to my mastermind girls and sent them a message, and one of them sent me a very thought provoking question of, like, Well, is this what other things do you need to be working on right now? Is this gonna set you back if you go sign up for this thing? I’m like, I don’t know. when I messaged my coach, and she was like, oh, it’s only 147. She’ll go for it. You totally got this. You already have the idea. like, just do it. It’s great. I’m like, thanks. That made my life a lot easier answering the hard question that my mastermind gals were asking me. That’s I didn’t feel like dealing with right now. Yeah. It’s so funny.

Kim Roth [00:20:12]:

Oh my goodness. Yep. I mean and even that, like, I’ve went to, you know, to my online friends, and I’m like, hey. I’m kinda tempted by this program over there. And then they will they will ask the hard questions, like, why? What what’s tough to new you know, what are you gonna get out of it, or what do you think you’re gonna get out of it, or what do you think you’re gonna learn? because I know for me, a lot of times, I think everybody else has the answers. And if I just bought this one more thing that that has all of the answers to it and nobody has all of the answers. And a lot of times we know what we’re supposed to do, it’s just a matter of listening to ourselves. So yeah. So I was finally able to buy bypass. That was really bad. Of course, junky, like, buying them all. And I finally got to the point where I can look at it, and I’ll be like, alright. What do I wanna get out of it? Why am I attracted to it? is now the right time? Do I have time to even go through this course? because a lot of times, that answer is no. Like, I am already in, you know, this and this. I don’t have time to add another one in. So it just yeah, so it’s helped a lot. Yeah.

Laura Kåmark [00:21:25]:

It’s I know when I finally found, like, my tribe, my group of my online friends, And I feel like it took me years to find them. I’d been in the online space for a while, and I was just, like, like, doggy paddling, trying to keep afloat, like, not making a lot of progress and just feeling really stuck for a long time. And then it was that first, like, big investment into a coaching program where I’ve like found my people. Yeah. And a lot of those people are still my besties, like, to this day. And that was, oh, I think it was in 2020. Yeah. And a lot of them, like, they’ve all been on the podcast now. It’s yeah. But having that support system, in the online space is so key because we do get we get stuck, we get in our own way. It’s just so nice to have someone that you can kind of bounce ideas off of with. Yeah.

Kim Roth [00:22:20]:

Yep. Yeah. That’s true. And to know they’re going through the same thing because I think when we watch other people post on social media and we watch them in different groups or different settings that we think that they have it all put together Like, they know what they’re doing. I you know, I’m like, I’m so amazed. They know what they’re doing. And then you end up in a personal conversation with that, and and they’re having the same fears and the same issues that you are. Yep. And you’re like, okay. It’s everybody. But then they’ll flip right around, and they’ll be like, what? You’ve got it all figured out. It’s like, oh, I don’t. I’m like, well, it looks like you do. I’m like, right back at your eight year old friend because so it’s the same deal.

Laura Kåmark [00:23:03]:

I feel like I get that that comment made to me a lot like because people look at my Instagram and my Instagram’s really pretty because I hired Lizzie Matson to Make my Instagram pretty and create all this content for me because Instagram overwhelms me so much. Like, I I don’t know why it doesn’t work with my brain. I can’t figure it out. So I outsourced it because I wanted to show up consistently somewhere and not have to think about it. sounds like I’m gonna outsource that thing. I can go hang out on Facebook, and that doesn’t stress me out. But posting on Instagram,

Kim Roth [00:23:36]:

just as too much for me. Yep. So

Laura Kåmark [00:23:40]:

I talked with her. I was talking with Lizzie recently, and she was saying something. She’s like, oh, we could do this with your story. I’m like it’s just like and you can post on your story. I’m like, please don’t make me do that. I don’t wanna I don’t know. I don’t wanna do that. Like, I won’t do I can I can sometimes I can figure out how to, like, take a picture and put some words on it in other days. It just things like get lost underneath the thing. I’m, like, trying to add some sparkly movements thing that goes under, and then I can’t get it out. And I’m like, why? And 30 minutes later, you’re like,

Kim Roth [00:24:09]:

Really? Like, I just took that long to post the story. K. That was yeah. That was for a hard time. It was for a hard time.

Laura Kåmark [00:24:16]:

Yes. Can I please just go and set up someone’s nurture sequence or work on a website please. That would be a lot more fun than trying to figure out an Instagram story.

Kim Roth [00:24:31]:

Yep. I am right with you.

Laura Kåmark [00:24:33]:

Oh my goodness. What would you say? So I think you know this about me, but I am a huge fan of celebrating our wins. I usually celebrate my wins with the cheese plate. just because it’s delicious and — Yeah. — fun. What is something that we could celebrate you about you? Something that you’re really proud of that you’ve in your business or recently that we could talk about.

Kim Roth [00:24:57]:

Oh, well okay. I do. So I told you that I had to go back and fix my own systems. And the main thing that I had coming up was communicating with my clients. I could not keep track of everything. Like, that was that was one thing. Like, I was getting emails and box or messages. and I could not keep track of that. The clients could not keep track of it because they were constantly asking me, where’s the Loom that you sent me? Where is the Google Doc at, and then I have two people on my team that helped, and so it was the same thing from them. Where is so and so’s you know, Google Doc. I knew where all of this stuff was, but, like, nobody else did. And what I was always losing was the messages, like the you know, do you approve this, or what am I waiting on from them? And that’s what I was always having to go back. and get for myself. So when I went through my whole process, I finally built a client portal so that and I was inspired by the great Jackie Money. I will give her the credit because I talked with her a few times, saw what she was doing with her clients, and I was like, okay. I need something. And I think that’s key to also realize that how it works for somebody isn’t always how it works for you either. Like, you have to put your own tweaks into it and different things. And that was what I did, and I built it all inside of of G Funnel. But I gave us all, like, one spot, my clients, my team, and me. Each client has one link to remember. It’s aloraconnections.com/their name. So, like, everybody should be able to remember it. And then on that, I linked, like, there’s a link to their Loom library. There’s a link to their Google folder. I set everybody up with a Trello board. So all communication is inside of Trello and the tasks inside of there so that you know, if I need information from them on that task I send them a message inside Trello they have been taught to reply so that the pre reply goes into trouble. And so that has been huge for my business because my sales coach, Renee Rebar, she wanted me to create a monthly retainer program. Like, I can’t create a monthly retainer program. Like, I can’t create I can’t maintain support clients, plus ongoing clients, plus, you know, my family and my team and all of this. And so in order to do that, I had to come up with this solution, and so that let me add support clients on and then have ongoing clients where We all I’m like, I’m not searching for anything anymore.

Laura Kåmark [00:27:44]:

I love that. Yeah. It’s like,

Kim Roth [00:27:46]:

I was spending like way too long searching or asking questions. It cut my questions and, oh my gosh, at least in half because I don’t get the where do I find these? type questions anymore. So, yeah, so that was my big win this summer.

Laura Kåmark [00:28:03]:

I love that. Yeah. And I love that you’re yeah. you took the problem, you were able to create a solution, streamline it, and have it all in one place. Oh, I love that so much. Yeah. I say it. Like, I gave my I gave my children, like, some red high heels

Kim Roth [00:28:18]:

over the summer. We upgraded. Got it all working.

Laura Kåmark [00:28:26]:

Got it all working. I love that. what would you say that you’re doing? It’s a little different in the industry. Are you kinda making waves and being bold? What are you doing different from? I don’t always like the word competitor, but but other people who are also doing like FG funnel setup.

Kim Roth [00:28:49]:

That is a good question. So I don’t know that I do want anything different really from anybody else. but what I bring to the table is 20 years of IT experience. So when I am sitting down and talking with somebody like through their systems, Like, I have done this for years. Like, I’ve sat with coworkers, and they’ve showed me what they’re doing manually. and I’m like okay so we can create a program and a process that will, you know, make sure that it’s done in, geez, you know, half the time, if not more. Without any errors, it’s, you know, exactly you know you know what’s being done so that even if you’re on vacation, somebody else can step in and do it. So that’s really what I feel like I bring to the table that not everybody has. Like, not everybody has 20 years IT experience working with, you know, clients over there. So that’s always what I called, you know, all all of your all of your coworkers are you know, they’re a client or a boss because in IT, you’re helping everybody.

Laura Kåmark [00:30:05]:

Okay. Great. Absolutely. When I was corporate, I wasn’t I wasn’t in the IT field, but I was the go to person in our department for when anyone was having any issues with the system, and At the time, I was actually remote. I was the only remote person in the department, and they would just they would call me up. And, you know, on my I had my work phone that was still like my landline from work that they had sent down when we had our whole, like, VPN set up and, like, all my remote system. And they would call and we’d do a screen share, and I would just it says show me what’s going on. They would just walk me through, and I’d talk them through what to do. to fix whatever. It was loan accounting in for the agricultural lending. So there was a lot of, like, interest rate things and, like, late fees and, like, sometimes the system didn’t do things the way we wanted. Now we had done a system conversion to — Mhmm. a very finicky system where you had to be very delicate when you have a YouTube thing. They they weren’t on that system for very long. I wasn’t around for the next conversion, but it only lasted, I think, a few years. because it was a bad system. But anyway yeah. So, no, I can totally relate to that and understand, like, being that person because I also do that for my clients now is You know, I create Loom videos. I love Loom.

Kim Roth [00:31:28]:

Mhmm. Yeah. I actually I still consult 1 or 2 days a week for my old company, and I was I was there yesterday, and she was hosh. They’re implementing a new software or system. So I’m helping them with that. and I was sitting in an office with somebody. It’s just just struggling with the new software. I’m like, have they given you anything like Bloom? You need Loom. I know you need to record what it is you’re doing, and you need to send it to their consultant and ask him you know, is there a better way to do it? Because I said, he’s the only one that’s going to know and you typing it out in an email is not gonna communicate it as well as if you could just screen record with your voice over it and be like, you know, I’m doing this. here. Like, this is how it works on the old system. It takes me, like, you know, 30 seconds. I’m over here in the new system, and it’s taken me 5 minutes. What am I missing here? Is there a better way? And that’s yeah. I love Loom for that reason because it’s, you know, like, for clients to show you what they’re doing, And then for you to turn around and show back how to do it or an easier way to do it, yes. I love that tool. Do you have any

Laura Kåmark [00:32:42]:

other tech tools that are kinda in that favorite pile. Oh,

Kim Roth [00:32:51]:

So it used to be click up, and click up wasn’t the right solution for my client. So now we’re kinda moving over into Trello because clients seem to understand that a little better. And what I was doing in ClickUp, it really could be done in any project management software. So I don’t I would need a project management tool of some sort, definitely. And, I mean, FG funnels, everything else in my business pretty much run-in F g funnels and Zapier. So yeah. Fine. Right there. Yeah. I just like, when I went through the whole process, like, I added some zaps in that have just made my life easier too. So, yeah, just finding the tools that you need that can automate your business because I know you use acuity, and it’s the same. It’s like you find the tool that works and figure out the best way to automate it and, yeah, like you’re golden in that, you know, in that area. Yeah.

Laura Kåmark [00:33:55]:

Yeah. I was able to, like, connect acuity to so many things. It just kinda makes my brain explode when I think about all the connections I have with acuity because it you know, it connects to my Zoom to automatically create that link and put that in all the meeting reminders. It’s connected to my Airtable so that I have a database of all the answers to all the questions that I ask everyone so I can find it easier later. I have it connected to my QuickBooks, so it actually puts in if someone gets on a discovery call with me, it adds them to QuickBooks And then when I go to invoice them, when we move forward, this is just going with the assumption that everyone’s gonna book with me, of course. Uh-huh. Of course. They’re already in there. And, like — Yeah. — it’s something real simple. It doesn’t take that long to add someone’s name in, but it does shave off that little bit of time. Their email and their name is already added as. a user. And it’s just that much quicker because, like, when I do VIP days, they book and pay the deposit just right through acuity again. Mhmm. but then I invoice for the balance the day of the VIP day. And, again, it’s really quick and simple. It, like, takes me, like, no time to just go in real quick, and I just take one I different invoice, make a copy of it, change out the name of the person, update the date, and hit send. It’s, like, so fast. And, again, it wouldn’t take much longer to add the name, but then you gotta make sure you’re spelling it correctly. You gotta make sure there’s no, you know, the typo. Like, I’m horrible type. Yes. Yeah. making sure you have the email address. Right? Which email address? All the things. So that’s, like, one of the connections that makes me so happy every time I go into invoice, I’m like, they’re already in here. I rock.

Kim Roth [00:35:35]:

Well, I mean, I even like the thought of just putting them in there, like, assuming they’re gonna buy with you. Yeah. That they’re gonna be the right fit, and they’re gonna buy with they’re already sitting over here. So, yeah, I mean, what better way to project that, you know, They’re right for me. I’m right for them, and we’re gonna continue going forward. Welcome to inside my brain, Kim. That’s alright.

Laura Kåmark [00:35:58]:

Why wouldn’t I want a bus? I don’t know. Too fun. So I want to talk just a little bit more about how you’re helping people. So if we have someone on the call, they’re like, Kim sounds amazing. I wanna work with Kim. Who’s like the best fit for your services? So usually,

Kim Roth [00:36:22]:

Well, there’s a couple. I mean, there’s there’s always. It depends. Usually the people that I’m talking to either they already have FTE funnels and they don’t how to use it They’re scared by the tech or I mean, which is any new software. Everybody gets really scared of, I think, any new software. FG funnel is just a little bit more scarier because it’s all in there. You don’t have individual pieces, you’re going to learn it all inside of one tool, so that makes it big and scary, and you just tackle one thing at a time. I had a client over the weekend who just wanted to load stuff in our membership site. I’m like, go load it. She was, well, I’m worried about opening a whole can of worms. I said, you’re only going into the membership can. stay in the membership camp. Like, you can do this, and so she did. So that’s That’s like one set of people. The others are they have software. They have multiple pieces of software. None of it’s streamlined, none of it’s talking together, not none of it’s talking with each other, and they are looking for a simpler solution. sometimes that’s FG, and sometimes it’s not. And I I will tell anybody, you know, what I think is the best solution for them whether it’s a software I work with or not because the goal is just to make somebody’s life easier. And if you already have an established system somewhere where like, you know, say 75% of your business is streamlined and it’s all functioning here and it’s all located here. Okay, well let’s see what we can do with the other 25% to help you out. So yeah,

Laura Kåmark [00:38:12]:

I love that. Kim, this has been so much fun. I could literally talk to you all day. can there’s one question I ask. All my guests that come on the show and as what is one piece of advice you would give to someone? to who is growing and scaling their business to help them be bolder, be louder, and make waves.

Kim Roth [00:38:38]:

Tell that little voice that’s in your head

Laura Kåmark [00:38:42]:

that has all the doubts. Just tell it to be quiet. and

Kim Roth [00:38:45]:

take that one step forward. Everybody has that little voice that’s telling them to not do something and you just have to tell it to and take that stuff.

Laura Kåmark [00:39:00]:

I love that so so much, and I think that’s excellent advice. So thank you for sharing that with our audience. Yeah. Well, thank you for having me. where can everyone find you, come hang out with you, find out more about you, all the things?

Kim Roth [00:39:16]:

soon how about my email list? You can go to alloraconnections.com and hop on my email list. I’m also on Instagram. I’m kymrath_funnels over there. or you can go find me on Facebook. I tend to be on Facebook more than anywhere else. I don’t know. I think I’m old school in some ways. Like, Facebook’s where I started, so Facebook’s where I kinda stay.

Laura Kåmark [00:39:43]:

They’re not forcing me to do stories. I realize they’re on there, but, yeah, she doesn’t feel like a priority.

Kim Roth [00:39:50]:


Laura Kåmark [00:39:52]:

Wonderful. Well, I will link all that up in the show notes. Alright. Thank you so much for coming on to the show today. So much fun. Yes. Thanks so much for listening to this week’s episode. Be sure to check out the show notes at www.laurakamark.com/podcast. And if you’re ready to turn your website into a marketing machine, get more sales, save time, and simplify the back end of your business, grab my free resource, power integrations for your website. head on over to laurakamark.com/power. If you enjoyed today’s episode, make sure so subscribe, and also I’ll just love you forever if you leave me a review. It helps get this podcast in front of other people that can help inspire. Thanks so much for sneak. I’ll see you next week. Bye now.

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hey, i’m laura

I’m a web designer and tech integrator for female business owners who love their work but NOT their website. When you have big visions for your business I help bring them to life. 

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