Ep. 68: Creating Freedom and Flexibility in your Freelance Business with Robyn Roste

April 17, 2024
A woman, Robyn Roste, smiling at the camera, leaning on a table with a laptop, papers, and a mug in a cozy, well-lit room.

Meet Robyn:

Robyn’s mission is to help maxed out freelancers set up smart marketing that gives them back time, resources, and much needed brain space so they can live the life they started their business for.

With more than a decade of experience in marketing, communications, and strategic planning, both in corporate and freelance settings, Robyn values authenticity, problem solving, and the anti hustle lifestyle.

Links & Resources

If you love your work and NOT your website and are ready to grow and scale your business go to laurakamark.com to find out how I can help bring your vision to life.
Full Episode Transcript

Laura Kåmark [00:00:01]:
Hey, everyone. Welcome to the Be Bold Make Waves podcast, a show bringing you inspiring stories of women who are growing and scaling their business. I’m your host, Laura Kåmark, a website and tech integration specialist who works with online business owners who love their work and not their website. Join me as we have incredible conversations about business, mindset, productivity, and, of course, the website and tech behind the business. Let’s go ahead and dive in to this week’s episode. Hello, and welcome to this week’s show. For those of you who don’t already know me, I’m Laura Kåmark, web designer, evergreen system, and funnel integration expert for coaches and consultants who love their work but not their tech. I am so excited to introduce you to my guest today, Robyn Roste.

Laura Kåmark [00:00:53]:
Robyn’s mission is to help maxed out freelancers set up smart marketing that gives them back time, resources, and much needed brain space so they can live the life they started their business for. With more than a decade of experience in marketing, communications, and strategic planning, both in corporate and freelance settings, Robyn values authenticity, problem solving, and the anti hustle lifestyle. Robyn, thank you so much for coming on the show today. Can you tell our listeners a little bit about the backstory of how you got to be where you are today?

Robyn Roste [00:01:26]:
Yes. Absolutely. And thank you for having me. I’m so excited to be here. I, I started out with the goal of wanting to be a freelancer, like, full time freelancer. And I’ve learned over the past couple of years that’s not everyone’s goal, which is a surprise to me, because that’s always something I love the idea of of this, like, flexible, you know, work when you are available, don’t work when you’re not, work from anywhere. And I guess it was, you know, pre everyone working remote. So it was kind of this, like, big dream I had on my vision board.

Robyn Roste [00:02:02]:
But then I got a a corporate job at a not for profit and I, you know, I really enjoyed it and stayed there for a long, long time. And yeah. But never lost that, like, desire to be a freelancer. So then one day, I just was like, I gotta get serious about this, and I built myself, like, what I like to call a bridge, so that I could kinda step out on my own and, yeah, achieve my goal of becoming a full time freelancer. So that’s, like, the very short nutshell version.

Laura Kåmark [00:02:33]:
I love that. And it’s always been interesting since we’ve met. We’ve been in a mastermind together for, gosh, over a year now, and it’s been amazing. We’ve met in person a few times, which is super fun. Thank you. Shout out to Sarah Massey for connecting me with so many amazing women. Mhmm. Freelancer wasn’t necessarily a word that I was really familiar with, and I don’t know if it was just the industry I was in in corporate where I wasn’t surrounded by freelancers.

Laura Kåmark [00:02:57]:
I wasn’t in marketing. I worked for an agricultural lending company. I don’t know that freelancer was in the vocabulary there. So it’s interesting. Like, I always knew I wanted to be an entrepreneur and own my own business. So when you say freelancer, what did that, what does that word like mean to you?

Robyn Roste [00:03:16]:
Yeah, it’s funny because I knew the word entrepreneur or business owner, but that was never something that was interesting to me. Although, I would say now on the other side that freelancer is actually the same thing. You’re running a business. You’re, you know, you’re basically doing everything that a business owner would do. You file taxes in the same way. You you run the show professionally just like a entrepreneur would. So I think when I thought a a freelancer, I started off in journalism. So maybe I should free, set that stage.

Robyn Roste [00:03:48]:
And pitching and freelancing was very, very normal in that industry or is very normal. You often have a side hustle, off the, you know, corner of your desk. You’re you’re just always, yeah, working working up new angles or trying new things. So it’s this entrepreneurial spirit. I think because most people will have a day job at the same time, you don’t think about it as having a separate business. So then, yeah, freelancer to me was just something that, like, was I could follow my curiosity, but I wasn’t totally committed to this one path. And maybe I felt like calling myself an entrepreneur was a little bit more restraining or something. I’m not sure.

Robyn Roste [00:04:29]:
It was definitely a mental like, something in my in my brain that was like a freelancer is different. It’s not as not as heavy or something as an entrepreneur.

Laura Kåmark [00:04:39]:
Oh, I love that. So when you’re saying that you’re helping maxed out freelancers, what typically kind of work are the freelancers that you’re working with? What time type of work are they doing?

Robyn Roste [00:04:50]:
I mean, a lot of them are freelance writers. I think that’s just natural because that’s where I I have been specialized for a long time. But there’s others. There’s photographers, graphic designers, web developers, UX people. I don’t know what are they what designers, I guess. That kind so I guess anyone kind of in digital media, I would say, is a really, like, familiar, person in my freelancing circle. And those are the kind of people that I see hustling so hard every day. And I have tons and tons of talent, and yet they are not earning the income that they could be earning.

Robyn Roste [00:05:30]:
They’re working, you know, constantly, you know, 10, 12, 15 hour days. And I just see, like, there’s there’s things we can do to help you, like, get out of this, like, cycle. And so that’s what I’ve become really passionate about.

Laura Kåmark [00:05:45]:
I love that. Yeah. The undercharging, over delivering, working way too many hours, not putting in place boundaries. Like, I feel like that’s something that I know I struggled with when I was first starting on my entrepreneurial journey. And it’s, you know, it’s it’s tough also when you’re doing so many tasks manually on the back end. Because I know you’re a systems person like I am Yep. With really getting processes put in place and set up for people. Can we talk a little bit about what you kinda how you help people in that way?

Robyn Roste [00:06:18]:
Yeah. For sure. You know, honestly, like, systems is I’m learning, like, not a a welcome term in every circle. And but I am a systems person. I see so much like, even though I guess I saw the term entrepreneur is restrictive. I don’t see systems as restrictive even though a lot of people do. I see it as, like, freedom building. I’m sure you do too, Laura.

Laura Kåmark [00:06:41]:
Yes. I do.

Robyn Roste [00:06:43]:
Yeah. Because you take your your messy manual on paper or whatever process, and you dump it into into some sort of, I don’t know, automation or just, some sort of something that digital that makes sense, or it doesn’t even have to be digital, actually. But just you put it in a framework that makes sense, and then it just works. Like, you have to trust it. You have to trust the process. And if you can do that, it just works. And it’s amazing how much time it gives you back. Yeah.

Robyn Roste [00:07:20]:
So I am I think when I first discovered how amazing systems were, like, I just kinda went all in. I’m like, yeah, that became my, like, focus.

Laura Kåmark [00:07:31]:
What? I love talking tech as you know. What are some of your favorite tech tools?

Robyn Roste [00:07:38]:
Well, I think for me, I think the thing I’m most on people about is project management systems. I think that’s my biggest. Like, you need to get all of this into into, software that, like, will keep track and tell you when to do things and give you deadlines. Keep all your notes together and keep organized. And also, like, show other people, like, you can share it easily with someone else so they can see what where you’re at with this with this task too. And, that’s the thing I’m the most passionate about probably because I see so many people just not relying or not even using one. They just, you know, have their to do list, which I have to do list too, but this is just so much greater. It can do so much for you that you don’t even realize yet.

Laura Kåmark [00:08:24]:
Well, yeah, I know so many people who will try to just keep everything up in their head. And the problem with that is, 1, you can like, we’re not meant to carry the mental load that we have going on at all times at this point in life. Like, there’s a lot going on. There’s a lot of things to remember. I know for me, if it’s not I’m at the point now. I have 2 young kids. Like, I have a household I’m running. I have a husband I’m making sure he all his business stuff is, like, taken care of.

Laura Kåmark [00:08:50]:
Gotta make sure the grove we have all the groceries we need. We have to make sure meals are ordered. Like, there’s a lot of things going on. Plus, I have a business I’m running. Mhmm. And if it’s not written down, it does not exist. I will not remember it. It it will no more.

Laura Kåmark [00:09:05]:
It just I have to have it written down whether that’s on a piece of paper or it’s put into some sort of organized system on the computer that tells me, like, here’s what’s going on. Here’s the things you need to complete. I was just messaging with a friend today, and was telling her we were going back and forth on talking about Airtable. And I was, like, oh my gosh. I had totally forgotten. I was gonna take this form that I have on my website. When someone signs up for my freebie, it sends them to thank you page, and there’s, like, a 2 question, like, hey. If you have a minute, could you just answer these 2 quick questions? It’s marketing research, really.

Laura Kåmark [00:09:38]:
And I never connected it to Airtable. I’m like, I should because then it’s gonna be easier for me to actually look at that data instead of it being just in this form plug in on my WordPress site. And I’ve meant to connect it, and I had the thought. I didn’t write it down, and it just clicked again today. And, I mean, it it was maybe a year ago I had that thought, and I it just floated away.

Robyn Roste [00:09:59]:
Exactly. Well and now you think, oh, I should get all those answers that people have given in the meantime and get them in the table, but, you know, it seems a little overwhelming, and then the list is long and blah blah blah. There’s a million reasons not to do it, and you fall further behind. Yeah, you just see this self perpetuating cycle. Like yeah. So you just have to do it. You just have

Laura Kåmark [00:10:21]:
to do it. What is your favorite, system for organizing all the project information?

Robyn Roste [00:10:28]:
That’s a good question. Okay. So I know well, you brought up Airtable, and that is definitely on my list of, yeah, tech to try. I I have Airtable, but I certainly don’t utilize it to its potential. Right now, I’ve been using ClickUp, and I really like it. And I I think for I got started with Trello, so I’m still, like, also very fond of that. Just for the visual more visual people, I think it works really well. It just gives you it’s quite intuitive to use, whereas ClickUp can be a little more technical, a little more overwhelming, but I really like ClickUp just for, like, how much can go in there.

Robyn Roste [00:11:10]:
You can really do everything from it, even email, which

Laura Kåmark [00:11:13]:
is amazing. ClickUp is incredible. I mean, hands down, if I could go back in time, I would have set up a ClickUp, but now I’m, like, not on that path, and I have other things I’m working on. It is definitely on my back burner to go back and implement some ClickUp in my life and my business because I’ve seen what it can do. And I have, friends who use it, and I’ve been on the back end of their ClickUp, and I’m like, this is incredible. Like, the systems that they can create, like, the like, even just something as simple as, like, a support ticket

Robyn Roste [00:11:47]:

Laura Kåmark [00:11:48]:
That they’ve implemented where, you know, someone in their program needs to submit a ticket, and it goes in and auto assigns, and then you can send the emails, and you can have the templated emails in there from, like, okay. This has been complete, sort of. It’s incredible. I think ClickUp is amazing.

Robyn Roste [00:12:04]:
Well and I love it too for, like, you know, how transparent it is. You can set up these systems. Maybe you’re a one person show right now, but you can set these things up in the hopes that one day you can pass it on to someone else, and everything’s right there. You don’t have to, like, think through how do I teach them this? They can just go through. They can just go through and see the documentation themselves, see how it works. Everything’s lined up. It’s amazing.

Laura Kåmark [00:12:28]:
I love ClickUp. I think that’s a fantastic I know. It’s it’s very high. I used, when I was doing project management for web designers, I was using a lot of Asana. I don’t know that ClickUp was really around yet back then, and I feel like ClickUp is very similar to Asana, but can do so much more.

Robyn Roste [00:12:46]:
Yeah. Yeah. Asana’s great too. So if that’s your preference, you can you can do a lot with Asana. But, yeah, I think ClickUp yeah. It’s it’s really in it’s it’s really got a lot of integrations and a lot of just really smart things it can do. Yeah. Yep.

Laura Kåmark [00:13:01]:
Absolutely. I’ve been using Airtable for my business, more in terms of, like, organizing things, not necessarily for, like, task management. Mhmm. And so that’s the piece that, like, I know that because I had everything everywhere, and I could never find anything. And so Jackie Money, who’s been on the podcast, and Jackie was at the last retreat that you and I were both at. She came all the way from South Africa

Robyn Roste [00:13:24]:
to hang out.

Laura Kåmark [00:13:26]:
And Jackie set up my air table, and it’s just it’s it’s a beast. It’s incredible what it can do.

Robyn Roste [00:13:33]:
And I love that. And and, you know, she would have done it exactly how you need it, and you can totally trust it. So you can just relax, and, you know, it’s all gonna happen how it should.

Laura Kåmark [00:13:43]:
Absolutely. I wanna talk a little bit about your website. Okay. Because I know you recently went through a website refresh, rebrand. Can you tell us a little bit about, like, what your website was like before and how it is after?

Robyn Roste [00:13:58]:
Yeah. So I I did a DIY website many years ago, and it was absolutely exactly what I needed. You know? And especially for a freelance writer, you know, I had my home page and my about me and my services and my portfolio and how to contact me. Like, it was it was pretty much a standard website. But I got to the point where I realized, like, you know, I am a freelance writer. I still do freelance writing. I still do services for clients, but I’ve my business has has grown, to the point where, yeah, like, I help other freelancers now, and I have other things that I offer. And I couldn’t figure out a good way to make my website, like, kinda do double duty.

Robyn Roste [00:14:47]:
And, and I came to the point where I was like, well, I actually could do this, but, I don’t know if it’s the best use of my time. So I was like, okay. I’m going to as one of my business investments in 2023, I’m going to invest in, like, having, like, an actual professional brand person help me with my new brand, my new website. And it was such a good call. It was, for me, I mean, I could have maybe done it sort of, but this is much, much, much better than I would have ever been able to do. And, also, it happened a lot faster. So the process was, I hired Christy Cooper, who, you also know from our mastermind. And she took me through this process of really getting into who I serve, why I do it, what drives me, what my, you know, business personality is, what what, what I’m about.

Robyn Roste [00:15:44]:
And it was pretty funny. I had to pull out a bunch of inspiration of what I thought I was most like. And I pulled out all of these, like, girl bosses who with, like, bright, bold websites and, you know, big, big personalities, big colors. And she was like, this is not you at all. Oh. And I was like, yeah. That’s accurate. And she does know me, so I really trust your judgment.

Robyn Roste [00:16:11]:
And, you know, I’m a lot quieter. I’m very introverted. I love being behind the scenes. Yeah. I’m not this big, bold personality, but I think I felt like I was supposed to be in or in the space. And, yeah, she really gave me permission just to be myself. And I think then from there, we came up with a website that is a lot more reflective of who I am, and it’s a lot more honest. Like, just in the sense of, like, you know, we chose greens and, you know, softer kinda fall colors and, just more toned down.

Robyn Roste [00:16:48]:
And that’s very much me. Like, just yeah. It’s not big, bright, bold, which I love. Like, I I’m very drawn to that, but it’s not me. And so that was a big part of the branding, just really coming to terms of who I am and who I’m not, and that’s totally, like, just embracing that and being totally fine with it. And it’s been, like, a really good experience. And every time I go to my website, I feel good about it. And I think before, I I didn’t feel good about my website.

Robyn Roste [00:17:13]:
I was a little embarrassed. It was a little well, it was a little DIY, and now this is just something that I’m, you know, I’m happy with. And I’m like, yeah. This represents who I am.

Laura Kåmark [00:17:24]:
I love that so much. What a beautiful testimonial also to Christie. I wish I could. I’ll make sure to send her this podcast episode when it airs. I I can and I can relate so much. I mean, I had even I build websites, and I partner with a designer, but, man, trying to do your own stuff is hard. Mhmm. It’s so hard.

Laura Kåmark [00:17:46]:
You’re so close to it. You’re so in it, and it’s it’s hard. So I know when I did redid my website a couple years ago, and Amanda Cormier, who’s also been on the podcast, I’ll link her episode up in the show notes. Amanda did a just gorgeous design, you know, and I have Nicole Kepic do my copy when it’s time for, like, a copy overhaul. She just recently did some new copy, which hopefully by the time this airs, I will have found time to update my copy because the cobbler’s children don’t have any shoes. The web designer has an outdated website. You know? But it’s the feeling of really being confident in your website

Robyn Roste [00:18:27]:
Mhmm. Is

Laura Kåmark [00:18:28]:
such a game changer. Yeah. Absolutely. You know, when you go when you’re, like, in a Facebook group and people are asking for your services and you’re like or, you know, and you’re like raise your hand. You’re like, hey. I do that, and you

Robyn Roste [00:18:38]:
share it. And you’re like, oh,

Laura Kåmark [00:18:38]:
I know they’re gonna look at this and be like, wow.

Robyn Roste [00:18:41]:
Yeah. I want Yeah. And I think the worst thing is or at least what I used to experience before the webs my website rebrand, was I didn’t wanna give anyone my URL at all. So I was making landing pages, like, elsewhere to send people, which is a a sure sign that it’s time for a change.

Laura Kåmark [00:19:01]:
Yeah. Absolutely. It’s it’s such a game changer. And I think it’s also important, like, when people are first starting out to start with that DIY site

Robyn Roste [00:19:08]:

Laura Kåmark [00:19:09]:
Because you don’t know what your business is gonna evolve into. And so really starting with just a foundational website and something simple and that can be changed later as it’s time to level up and as you’ve gotten more clear on your offers and how you help people and just the results that you get. That really is when it’s time to uplevel and invest in having a professional come in, in my opinion.

Robyn Roste [00:19:35]:
No. I totally agree. Yeah. You you do. You start with DIY because you’re not sure yet. And, yeah, you’re not ready for those big investments, but you do outgrow it. And then as I guess, I think I’m hopefully indicating, like, it’s painful when you outgrow it. You really do know when it’s time.

Laura Kåmark [00:19:52]:
Yeah. That was actually, like, when I created my website templates, my DIY website launch kit. It was for the people who would come to me, and they’re like, I’m ready for a full website. And I’m like, you’re just starting this business. You’re not actually ready Mhmm. Because you’re not you’re not there yet. Let’s let’s not do that. Here’s a kit.

Laura Kåmark [00:20:09]:
Go start here. DIY it first, and then come back when you’re ready once you’ve figured out exactly where you’re going with this. Because the thing about a website is it’s always evolving. It’s never, quote, unquote, done.

Robyn Roste [00:20:22]:
Yeah. That’s true. And you can spend, especially when you’re getting started, way too much time on your website and, you know, tweak, tweak, tweak, tweak. Never really been ready to go, and then you’re doing that instead of getting yourself out there. And yeah. So it can be a distraction. Yeah. So you have to kind of, yeah, do do like, just know where you’re at in your business and and go that path with your website.

Laura Kåmark [00:20:51]:
Absolutely. I’ve seen that a lot too where people sit there and they, like, tweak the logo for Yeah. Months, years, and I’m like, no one cares. Just take a piece of text, put your name in it, and just go because you can always change it later. Like, let’s get this thing going, start start getting clients, and then

Robyn Roste [00:21:10]:

Laura Kåmark [00:21:10]:
You can make changes later.

Robyn Roste [00:21:12]:
Yeah. Exactly.

Laura Kåmark [00:21:14]:
I would love to know because we talk a lot about kinda the mindset stuff that happens when you are running a business. What are some of your fears and doubts you had when you took when you took that bridge, you know, side hustle and went full time in it?

Robyn Roste [00:21:29]:
Yeah. I think the I I’ve had, like, many levels of mindset kind of breakthroughs, I guess, or obstacles that I had to kind of overcome. And so the first one was, you know, I was working full time and I was doing freelancing on the side. And I couldn’t figure out how on earth do you make more than $1,000 a month. Like, I just it didn’t make any sense in my brain, and I knew there’s no way I can do this full time if that’s all I’m making. And, there’s something in me that knew just putting in more time wasn’t gonna translate. So I had I knew there was something missing. And so yeah.

Robyn Roste [00:22:08]:
So that was the first time I I was like, okay. I think I need help here. I hired a coach, like, worked through some mindset blocks I had just about you know, we really got down into what I’m charging, the work I’m doing, how long it takes me. There was a lot of just, like, real talk of, like, you’re charging this, but break it down into how long it took you to complete. Like, is that is that the right price? And really just getting familiar with how long things take and not worrying about, like, oh, I’m too expensive. Oh, they’re not gonna hire me. But, really, like, this is what this is what it costs because this is this is what I need to bring in, and this is how long it takes me, and I feel good about it. Yeah.

Robyn Roste [00:22:56]:
And then just realizing also as I went through this, certain services took me too long to do. They weren’t a good fit for my, like, work style. And so I was able to let go of those services and not offer them because I didn’t the amount I would have to charge didn’t make it didn’t make sense. There was other people who are much better at it than I was. So I just took those things off altogether. And then focused on the services that gave me a better profit margin that I enjoy doing more and I could do fairly quickly with really good results. And so once I focus my energy on that and not just trying to do everything for everyone, you know, every time I got an inquiry, I felt at the beginning, like, I had to do it. And so I was just doing whatever for whoever.

Robyn Roste [00:23:39]:
So getting really clear on my sweet spot was made all the difference and things clicked. And then I started earning an income that I was like, oh, okay. This could be something that I could support myself with. And then, really, then I really started to believe it. So I think it took a long time to kind of understand how it worked and then believing that I could do it. And it wasn’t an accident this one time, but that I could keep doing it.

Laura Kåmark [00:24:08]:
Oh, I love that. I think that’s such an important piece that you’ve talked about, how you start saying no to things that took you too long, you didn’t really enjoy doing, I really just kinda doubled down on the things you did like doing. I mean, that’s so important. I know I I was in the same position at one point where I was just like, yep. I can do that. Yep. I can do that. You know, I did Instagram or not Instagram, Pinterest management for a long time, which I did not enjoy doing.

Laura Kåmark [00:24:36]:
But I did it. I did anything. You know? I because yeah.

Robyn Roste [00:24:41]:
And And when you’re getting started, it totally makes sense because you gotta try things on to know that it’s not for you or to understand that this you know, is it’s too frustrating. It takes me too long. I’m actually not that good at it. You do have to try things on, but then, hopefully, you can move on from that. Exactly.

Laura Kåmark [00:24:59]:
Well, the other thing we always love to talk about is celebrating our wins.

Robyn Roste [00:25:05]:
So I

Laura Kåmark [00:25:05]:
would love to know if you could share with our audience what is something you’re really proud of that you’ve accomplished in your business journey, that we can celebrate you? Sure.

Robyn Roste [00:25:15]:
I think, the thing that I’m realizing I’m the most proud of, even though it was never actually it wasn’t a stated goal of mine, but I was able in I think it was a couple years ago, I was able to bring in 6 figures on my freelance business while I was working full time. And I was so, like, I didn’t realize how big of a milestone that was until I really started breaking it down. Like, wow. This is actually pretty awesome. And then when I started asking, like, how is this possible? I was like, it’s all because of the systems. It’s the only way. So very proud of that.

Laura Kåmark [00:25:56]:
That’s amazing.

Robyn Roste [00:25:58]:
And in going back

Laura Kåmark [00:25:59]:
to talking about the systems, the amount of time that I see clients spend on the admin side of their business Yeah. I mean, it’s it’s crazy. You know? I mean, we were you and I were both on a call today where someone was talking about where they had a client that was not even wanting to sell their program because anytime someone would sign up, they had all this admin work they had to do on the back end to onboard the client. Yeah. And, I mean, we

Robyn Roste [00:26:30]:
can make that easy. Exactly. Well and that’s the thing. Right? But they don’t know. They don’t know what they don’t know. And so yeah. Isn’t that a sad story? Like, didn’t it hurt your heart? Oh, you don’t even wanna sell your program because it’s too much admin. Like, we can fix that.

Robyn Roste [00:26:48]:

Laura Kåmark [00:26:49]:
I had a client who when she first came to me, she would what was it? She would send out an invite. Like, they said they want to buy, and so she would make an invoice in PayPal, send that to them, then she would manually what else was she doing? Oh, she had a Google form she would send them manually

Robyn Roste [00:27:08]:

Laura Kåmark [00:27:09]:
To get all their information that she needed for them to, like, register for this class. So I think it was, like, a reply to an email saying, like, I want in, and then she had to go do all this manual stuff. And, I mean, we were able to go in and make it so they could click, say I want to join this course. It was it’s like a live training that she does. That’s paid. And they could pay, fill out the form, start getting the emails. Like, everything just happens automatically on the background.

Robyn Roste [00:27:37]:
Love it.

Laura Kåmark [00:27:38]:
And Love it. Yeah. And she was no longer then she was able to get more people into her programs because she had the capacity because her time was freed up.

Robyn Roste [00:27:50]:
Exactly. Well, Anne, I’m sure at some point, something got missed. An email got missed or a form got missed and the person fell through the cracks and, yeah, that just doesn’t happen when you have your system set up. Yep.

Laura Kåmark [00:28:02]:
Oh, I love that. Mhmm. I would love to talk a little bit about what you’re doing different in the industry. How are you being bold? What kinda sets you apart from the other freelance marketer helpers?

Robyn Roste [00:28:20]:
I I think a big, realization I’ve I’ve had, and I’ve kind of alluded to it a little bit in our conversation, is that a lot of freelancers don’t have a system. They don’t have, a a way that they do things every time to save themselves time and, like like, brain energy. And so I think what I do differently is that I have these systems in place, and I I’m truly bought into them. And, and that’s why I think I can be productive even though, you know, pre I’m pretty busy. I’m everyone’s pretty busy, but, like, I’m able to, I think for the most part, stay on top of things, not because I’m so much better, but because I have these systems in place. And, yeah, I just wholeheartedly believe in them. And so I think when I talk to other freelancers, that is what I’m, you know, pointing them at. Like, hey.

Robyn Roste [00:29:15]:
I know you’re you’re super busy with all these, all these tasks that you have to do, but what if we put them into a a little a little software and have them there for you, like, every time you opened your computer up? And just kind of planting seeds like that. And it’s just it’s not something maybe a lot of people are used to just doing it themselves. You know, they have, you know, their paper, the paper system they trust. They have all their passwords on, you know, this little file, in their phone that, you know, that’s how they do it. They they trust that. And then they’re a little nervous that if they change something, they’re not gonna understand it or they’re gonna forget it or things aren’t gonna work the way they work now. So even though they’re not ideal, at least it’s working sort of. So that’s yeah.

Robyn Roste [00:29:58]:
I’m so I try and help people move past that, and into the digital age a little bit more. Just a little bit more, not in a scary way.

Laura Kåmark [00:30:07]:
Well, I mean, there’s so much to be said for the time that saves that when you go and sit down at your desk and start your day to have to already know what it is that you need to be working on right now and not spend that time, like, getting mentally organized.

Robyn Roste [00:30:22]:
Yeah. I

Laura Kåmark [00:30:23]:
mean, that’s huge.

Robyn Roste [00:30:24]:
Yeah. Exactly. It’s so huge. And, like, you know what? You could I keep saying digital, but you can absolutely do this on paper and use a planner for and get the same results as long as you have the system that you’re using. Yeah. That’s helping you prioritize or helping you stay focused on what you need to stay focused on. That’s the whole that’s the whole key.

Laura Kåmark [00:30:42]:
Yep. Absolutely. I would love to just sit here and talk to you all day long. And you know I could.

Robyn Roste [00:30:51]:
You’re very easy to talk to.

Laura Kåmark [00:30:54]:
But we are getting close to our time, and I do have one question I ask everyone who comes on the podcast. Mhmm. And that is what is one piece of advice you would give someone when they’re growing and scaling their business to help them be bolder, be louder, and make waves?

Robyn Roste [00:31:12]:
I think the the the thing I see, is that a lot of at least the people in my circle tend to hold back what makes them great and, what sets them apart. And so if I could if I could give any advice, it’s get a really clear idea of what sets you apart and don’t be shy about it. Like, put it out there. Let people know. Because you owe it to your clients and to the your customers, to help them in that way. That’s what you’re meant to do. And so be bold about that. You know? Put it out there.

Robyn Roste [00:31:47]:
You’re not for everyone, but the people you are for are going to be so grateful they found you.

Laura Kåmark [00:31:53]:
I love that advice so much. And I think it’s it’s so important because that is, like, being you sets you apart from everyone else and really leaning into who you are and showing up as you. So I love that. Thank you for sharing that, Robyn. Can you tell our listeners where they can find out more about you, find out about your services, and how you can help them?

Robyn Roste [00:32:17]:
Absolutely. Yeah. Everything is really at my website. So every you know, robynroste.com, just my name, dot com, is where you can find everything about me plus all my links to different social media, but I’m just my name on all the social media platforms as well, and I would love to connect with you. Wonderful. I will link that

Laura Kåmark [00:32:37]:
up in the show notes. Robyn, thank you so much for coming on the show today. This was such a fun conversation. Yes.

Robyn Roste [00:32:42]:
Thank you, Laura.

Laura Kåmark [00:32:45]:
Thanks so much for listening to this week’s episode. Be sure to check out the show notes atloracomark.com forward slash podcast. And if you’re ready to turn your website into a marketing machine, get more sales, save time, and simplify the back end of your business, Grab my free resource, power integrations for your website. Head on over to laurakamark.com/power. If you enjoyed today’s episode, make sure to subscribe. And, also, I’ll just love you forever if you leave me a review. It helps get this podcast in front of other people that can help inspire. Thanks so much for listening.

Laura Kåmark [00:33:23]:
I’ll see you next week. Bye now.

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hey, i’m laura

I’m a web designer and tech integrator for female business owners who love their work but NOT their website. When you have big visions for your business I help bring them to life. 

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