domain tip check your email address

Domain tip: Check your email address

October 10, 2022

A while back my neighbor reached out in a panic, his business email had been down for 3 days and he didn’t know what to do. I quickly sent him over my tech rescue and we dove in.

I first started with his Wix account, which had expired. The web developer my neighbor had originally worked with used a Wix reseller account to create my neighbors website and connect to google workspace (his email). Since the Wix account had expired, the email had gone down and we needed to update the MX (email) records at the domain level.

I next logged in to his Godaddy account, which is where the domain was registered, and tried to update the MX records. In order to make the change, my neighbor had to verify a code that was emailed to him. It was sent to the email address on file, his domain business email, which we couldn’t access, because it had been down for 3 days. We were in a pickle.

Eventually I figured out a work around, and was able to get access to change the MX records and get his email back up and running (and I changed his default email with Godaddy to his gmail account).

This leads me to my domain tip for today….make sure the email address tied to your domain account isn’t the same as your domain email. Because in the event that your domain email goes down and there is a problem with your domain, you may not be able to get those messages, or access the account.

Which leads to a much bigger headache than anyone wants to deal with.

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hey, i’m laura

I’m a web designer and tech integrator for female business owners who love their work but NOT their website. When you have big visions for your business I help bring them to life. 

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