Ep. 10: Making Sales Fun and Easy with Renee Hribar creator of Sell Like a Mutha’

October 26, 2022
renee hribar feature image

Meet Renee:

Renee Hribar has been a sales professional since 1994 in New York. Making her first million before she was 25 years old, she has gone on to sell millions of dollars in products and services and train thousands to sell for the first time. She is known in her industry as a fun, energetic sales coach who leads with heart. A TEDx speaker who offers training sessions at global conferences, on-demand courses and virtual workshops, she skillfully breaks down her decades of sales expertise. With her one-of-a-kind “laugh & learn” teaching style, you will certainly gain a new view of the “softer side of sales”.

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If you love your work and NOT your website and are ready to grow and scale your business go to laurakamark.com to find out how I can help bring your vision to life.
Full Episode Transcript

Laura Kåmark
Hey everyone. Welcome to the Be bold make waves podcast, a show bringing you inspiring stories of women who are growing and scaling their business. I’m your host, Laura Kamark, a website and tech integration specialist who works with online business owners who love their work and not their website. Join me as we have incredible conversations about business mindset, productivity, and, of course, the website and tech behind the business. Let’s go ahead and dive in to this week’s episode.

Hello, and welcome to the show today. I am so excited for you all to be here. For those of you who don’t already know me. My name is Laura Kåmark. I’m a website and tech integration specialist who works with coaches and consultants who love their work and not their website. My guest here today is Rene Hribar, who has been a sales professional since 1994. In New York, making her first million before she was 25 years old, which is incredible. She has gone on to sell millions of dollars in products and services and train 1000s To sell for the first time. She’s known in her industry as a fun, energetic sales coach who leads with heart, a TEDx speaker who offers training sessions at global conferences, on demand courses and virtual workshops. She skillfully breaks down her decades of sales expertise with her one of kind Laugh and Learn teaching style, you will certainly gain a new view on the softer side of sales. Renee, thank you so much for being here. I am just thrilled to have you on the show today.

Renee Hribar
Thank you for having me. I’m delighted to be here. I would

Laura Kåmark
love if you could start off and just tell our listeners a little bit. I want to hear and I know you were in sales for a very long time. But I want to hear about the online business piece of it if we can kind of go back and talk about when you started in the online space.

Renee Hribar
Yes, thank you. That’s a great question. I was actually just sharing that with my child today. That said, back when he was in kindergarten or about to go into kindergarten, I was obsessed with Waldorf and you know, the Waldorf Montessori experiential way of learning and he was not. So I was like, Well, I’m because we went to a Waldorf school. And he’s like, No, I don’t wanna do that. And I thought, Well, maybe he just wants to do it at home. Because you know, I’m persistent. And so I bought a Waldorf homeschooling book off of Amazon and the owner of the asset owner, the author of the book started emailing me and I realized I had put in my email to like, download some calendar or something, right. And I was like, the author is email. I did not understand broadcast emails at that time. I mean, as funny as it sounds, I was like the other like, Oh, my, it’s just me said my name on it. I literally, I was so obtuse, I don’t. It’s funny, because even now, I’ll have clients that are big clients. I mean, they have their, you know, leaders of departments or big corporations. And I’m like, so where’s your email list? In my Gmail? Because that’s how we think that’s how we work. You know, we hadn’t we didn’t know about CRMs. I mean, maybe we knew about them, but we weren’t always working with them, or, you know, email service providers like ActiveCampaign, or ConvertKit, or other things. So long story short, she invited me to a webinar personally, personally invited me and I actually was one of the was one of those people who like, hit reply, because I really thought she was emailing me. So webinars by webinar three, she had launched a couple times, I bought her $1,200 coaching program. So for three, well, one on one coaching for three months. And that’s what brought me into this world. I had no idea that there was this entire Facebook environment. So what she said was, if you’re going to Waldorf homeschool, you should have a course. Because you probably have things you could teach on. I’ll spend 90 days with you and I’ll walk you through what to do. I was like, great. Her first assignment to me was to go explore what I would you know, what I could possibly creator who was out there to talk to him. She sent me to camera Lunas. If you know who that is. She’s pretty big audience. I don’t know. She said. I haven’t seen her in a couple years. But camera, Luna at the time had like 10,000 people in her Facebook group and Danna mall Steffes group, which at the time was like 400 people and I was like, I feel better with the 400 people hanging out here. And that’s called you know, whatever, you know, it’s so the point is this is that through that I found out Oh, wow. There’s women all over doing all kinds of things. Copywriting website design, you know, solve all kinds of experts that used to work in corporate and now they sort of freelance. That is super interesting. Wow. Okay, let me check this out. And so it’s also right about the time when Ben was like, I do not want you to homeschool by you. He was I did homeschool him for kindergarten by the end of kindergarten. He was like I do not. I want to go to a school with people. I was like, who is on the dais with? You said no. So all that to say, he is not homeschooled. But it’s not by my choice. So we kind of would now he’s at a Catholic school. So we went really in the other direction with that anyway. So all that to say, I started out by finding out what was happening. And that’s how I decided to do sales coaching. Because I met these women, they were so brilliant, so amazing. And they were so broke. I’m like, why are you broke? They’re like, why? And they would talk to me and tell me their problems. And like, Oh, my, what? Give me Tell me what you say on the phone. And then there, they would tell me all like, oh, well, I see the problem right now. Or you’re upset anymore, you can stop talking. And so my first offer, which is 97 bucks, let’s just get on the phone together, I will rework what you say on the phone, we’ll do a recording, you keep that and I and then have fun, make money. And I did that. And I got booked up fast. And I saw some real progress with him. I was like, I should charge commission. I know profit sharing. But instead of that I create I created a bigger program. And of course, and that’s kind of the direction that I went. So that’s how I came in the online space.

Laura Kåmark
Oh, I love that. I don’t know that I actually need that story. So just so our listeners know, a little background, I just actually you came into my world more recently. I’m absolutely shocked that we have not met sooner. I mean, we like know all the same people. We started in some of the same groups. It must have just been a few years. Maybe I was a couple years behind you in those groups. I don’t know. I had 17.

Renee Hribar
When I started in their boss moms were just at the end of 2016 2017 is when I incorporated my accompany

Laura Kåmark
Okay, yeah, I was in there. I just, I actually found you. Because in a group of Voxer group that I’m in, someone was talking about your live event, and how amazing it was they just left and someone else was like, Oh, I almost went to that. And I’m like, Who’s this person? What are you talking about? They’re talking about the event for next year? And I’m like, What is this? Who’s this Renee person? I have no idea who she is. I’ve never heard of her. Send me the link is something I need to know about. They sent the link I was like, oh, it’s in Santa Monica, which is not far from me. I was like, Oh, should I go to this, I You guys are all going, I’m gonna go I have massive FOMO no idea who you are. So I go sign up. Like, the kids were home on another like COVID shut down. And I would just was like meeting I was like, It’s not until next year, I can totally make this work. And so that got me on your email list. And then I don’t know, a month later, you were sending doing a workshop, I got on it. And that was the first time I was on a zoom call. And I just couldn’t stop laughing. Like I was so entertained. And I was like, I don’t care what she’s selling. I want it. I need Rene to be in my life like this. It’s just too fun. I if I’m having like not that great of a day, I just get on one of your sales calls. And like, or when your coaching calls off the sales calls, but coaching, because it’s just it’s like the group of women that you attract are so kind and loving. And then there’s just jokes for days. There’s just jokes, and you know, your laugh and learn teaching style. Like what your BIOS like, that’s exactly what it is. And I love that. Yeah. Oh my goodness. So I love all that. So tell me, so how are you helping people now? The women that you’re helping tell me about your ideal person that you are just helping them? Raise the trail?

Renee Hribar
Yes. So thank you for asking. So I have more than one company, the company that you are a part of that you are familiar with is is for the woman startup, right? She’s in it doesn’t have venture capital, she’s bootstrapping, she probably decided to work online because of a personal reason, right? She doesn’t have a lot of my clients in that sense in the online space are, you know, they have a chronic illness or they you know, they have a pay, they’re caring character caregivers have somewhat themselves a parent or a child, who typically has some, there’s something that’s happening outside of work that they need to attend to. And so I think that’s what makes them so loving and caring, right? They’re just loving and caring people. So they’ve made the concession to not work in a corporate environment, to try to find another way to earn a living to support and bring, you know, contribute to the family, not only by what they’re already doing, but in addition to that with their skill sets and their expertise. And so that’s usually when I meet them, as was when there’s they’re asking themselves, Well, how do I make money doing this? And so, I have workshops, I have a lot of free content. So I have a podcast to podcasts, book and lots of free community. So lots of free content. And then I also have workshops and I have courses and I have a program called Celica mother which is like an encyclopedia of sales information and live coaching that I do on a weekly basis which I just love. I and so on the other side of that, I also do consulting for women and, and, you know, highly emotional, like highly emotionally intelligent men, I would say emotionally intelligent people for sales strategy. So there’s a lot of times right at that $5 million mark where a company needs a salesperson, or they need a sales manager, and they don’t know where to begin, because they’ve been doing the sales. And so I help them I come in, and like an electrician, I kind of look at all the look at their look at their circuits. And I put the right connections together, we help with the org chart, we create the job description, I hire, train and manage that person until they’re ready to kind of take the training wheels off and take it on their own. Gotcha. So that’s what I do on that side. And so it’s, you know, it’s what I get to do every day is talk to people. And I just love that. And it’s never just about how do you sell to people, because when you’re talking to a person about selling to another person, there’s all kinds of emotions involved. And the reason I like to bring laughter and comedy in is because it can get a little bit tough sometimes. And when we’re laughing, we’re less stressed.

Laura Kåmark
Absolutely. What would you say are your biggest like your the first tips that you tell someone when they are in the position? They’re just starting out? And they’re like, I don’t know how to sell, sell for myself? Right? What are the things that you tell them that really, the audience could maybe take away from this conversation?

Renee Hribar
How do I sell for myself? Yes, that is the age old question. And so the first thing that I find is that they’re, they’re typically overthinking the entire process. First thing that they typically ever think is, if I share this piece of information, that’s not good enough, no one will think I’m smart enough, no one will think that’s important enough to share. And they’ll laugh me out of the stadium, because I’ve shared this piece of information that I’ve already believed is not fat as not good enough. And my answer is, you are such an expert that you have forgotten more than we’ll ever know about the topic of which you do. Like, it’s something of which you are an expert in, like, whether you’re building the website or advising on the website, or you know, in your case, right. And so even what you think is minuscule and seemingly unimportant, would blow someone else’s mind and probably change your life for the better if you just shared it. So share that. Start there. Second thing I see people struggle with what you know, how do I sell for myself, is that feeling of if I do say something, if I do put that out there and my worst fears come true, I will then be you know, kicked out of the tribe and my family will starve. Right? And that’s that, that caveman brain kicking in? Because that wasn’t the case, you know, however many years ago, but not the case anymore. And so simplify, share the most basic things and start the conversation with people. That’s my best advice. I love that.

Laura Kåmark
Do you have any advice for like the mindset hurdles? Because I know that it’s something that it happens with me. It happens with everyone I know. Yeah, this mindset of just, you know, it’s the imposter syndrome that comes up and all those How do you help people? What do you tell them?

Renee Hribar
Yeah, great question. When I first came in the online space, people would ask me, do you teach mindset, and I had never used that phrase before. I was like, well tell you look at things. It’s your frame of reference. It’s your frame of mind. It’s, you know, your perception, your vantage point. And then I started diving into what they meant when they asked that question. And I realized that it is absolutely a part of what I do it because they’re inseparable. You can’t teach how to sell for yourself or anyone else without getting in the right frame of mind both, you know, both emotionally, spiritually, and often physically. So for example, what do I tell people? Well, I have a course program. So like a mother and one of the lessons in there is a is a I now call mindset exercise. But really, it was a prep exercise that I’ve used for years and years and years. Well, I when I had my sales agency, and I had 300 sales reps going in the field every day, there was this one exercise that I shared with them, and that was this one. And it was going through all your worst fears. I’m not good enough, they’re not going to want anything, no matter what I say, they’re gonna hate it, they’re gonna hate me, they’re gonna hate my family, they’re gonna want to, you know, kick my dog, or whatever, like, write out your worst fears, say them out loud. And then there’s a couple things you do in this exercise, you say it out loud, and then you flip the script. Now they’re gonna love what I have to say, of course, they’re gonna want to have it so saying it out loud. The there’s a lot of physiological things that happen a you hear yourself, right? Our brain does not know what’s true and not true, what’s real and not real. If we hear it, we our brain believes it. So we’re hearing it out loud to ourselves, and it’s also our posture and our stance when we’re doing it. I often encourage women to if they’re taking discovery calls or sales calls to stand up, you know, either have a standing desk if they’re doing them on Zoom or just stand up because your brand If this better, your posture is better, you feel stronger. There is something physiological about having that Superman stance, you know, warrior pose like I have a certified hatha yoga experience. So all that, that, that mindset, how do I get over those hurdles. That is the first place I started that exercise, but continued with this. You can also write down all of your worst fears and burn it, just do it outside. I’ve tried that inside and asked me some I had some problems. We used to put all the garbage can like light it on fire. And we had a couple extra people in the office one day like the sprinklers went off, I was like that cost me $1,000 Oops. We go outside and have a little dumpster fire. Just throw that shit the dumpster. There another thing you can also do is write it on a piece of toilet paper and flush it. That’s another way to do and your worst fears. Like it’s not true, it’s not going to happen. So there’s a lot of these these strategies that I’ve used, I continually hire and train people on this, I hire people for myself and then turn around and train other people. So I work with spiritualists, and priests and energy workers and body workers and Reiki Masters, I invest in those people being in my life, so that I can continually be in touch with how can I refine my game I saw and also share that with other people. So those are just those are some ways that’s that lesson and then burning, flushing. And if that doesn’t help you mother always loves you. Or you can call me. If somebody can hate for no reason I can love for no reason. Okay.

Laura Kåmark
I’m gonna put that on a mug for you. Thank you. Yes, that’s another I have some things you say? written down and then I put them all over my wall because they’re they’re good. And that’s that’s another good one. I love that

Renee Hribar
a bumper sticker right? bumper sticker? Exactly.

Laura Kåmark
That’ll solve the road rage issues.

Renee Hribar
What’s our next that’s our next business? That’s where I’m gonna do stickers.

Laura Kåmark
Oh, my goodness. Um, I talk to you a little bit about the tech of your business just because I am a tech and website expert. Yes. Talk about the tech. Yes, you were I want to talk about like the tech at the beginning of your business, and then how that’s evolved. So can you tell me a little bit about that?

Renee Hribar
Yes. When I first started my business, I’ve already shared that I did not understand broadcast emails. Therefore, I was not using those myself either. I quickly learned that that was a thing. But I did not have I did not have a landing page to a freebie that you could receive automatically. If you just entered your email. Like that whole concept took me about a year maybe more, if I’m being honest to like get like to and then deploy to actually implement. And honestly what happened was one of my clients were just so sick of me not having it. And she was like a funnel builder. She’s like, I just did this for you here. And so there you go. And it’s done. She’s like, just I just did it. I just, you’re just making me crazy. So thanks. Um, the evolution was I learned a lot. So I hired a coach and I worked with her for five years. So for the last five years, in fact, almost five in November. And she is a tech and funnel specialist so much that she has her own software, she created her own software company. And so I now speak funnel, I speak fun, I’m pretty fluent in it. I know what you’re talking about. And I know how to do it. Do I want to do it? No. I have done it and not enough to know that I don’t want to, for myself or anyone. So that to be said, it is evolved to where yes, I have all you know, all the connections in 67, zaps on a daily basis that you know are connected and somehow move through my system and tags and you know, 10s of 1000s of email, emails, even people on my email list that get personalized emails from

Laura Kåmark
and say to reply back. And some do yes, I love it.

Renee Hribar
So it’s evolved quite a bit. I now have a tech VA full time and my team. And I also hire contractors intermittently to help build out the other pieces. Is it perfect? Oh goodness, no. And that’s why everybody needs you. Because, like, I love your tagline for women who love their business, but not their website. Like that is literally everyone that I know. And so everyone should be hiring you. So if you’re listening to this, make sure you talk to Laura.

Laura Kåmark
Love that. Yes. Well, and honestly like that’s the thing that I see that kind of kills me a little bit is when women are they have this amazing gift that they bring to the world and they’re so hung up on the back end is not working, or they don’t love their website and so they don’t share it. Right. And that’s the thing that I see holds people back and so that’s where I’m like we can fix this and make it so you can Focus on what you love to do. And I can focus on what I love to do, which is doing all that funnel speak on the back end, and connecting all the techie bits and making the website just beautiful. And I was on a website today, and I went, I was like, this woman sounds amazing. And I went and like clicked on her Instagram, like, because I’m like, I want to go follow Instagram shot me over to a 404 account not found. And I was like, Oh, how many other people click here, and then you just stops?

Renee Hribar
Well, it’s something you did for me, that was beautiful. Was it a little loom video, and you’re like, Hey, I just tried to do this one thing, and it didn’t work. I was like, Ah, that was me messing around on my own. And that would, they did scold me. So that’s what I was when I touched the deck. So sending those kind of little loom videos to those people is so helpful. Like, it’s so thoughtful. And so that’s, again, helping them sell for themselves. Oftentimes, if our it’s kind of like this, like I look at our website as like our clothes, almost like our internet clothes, right? So like, we’re confident in ourselves, but our clothes look like we slept in them. Right? So wouldn’t you feel more confident? Or Wouldn’t it be better easier for you if you looked the part so that is, it doesn’t, the website doesn’t change who you are, it just helps everybody else understand it faster. And it helps

Laura Kåmark
your confidence. Like what you just said, I love that analogy so much. Because when we dress up nice, and we just feel all dolled up and like ready to go, we’re like, yeah, we’re on fire we can take over the world.

Renee Hribar
My grandmother used to always, never leave the sheets. I mean, she’s passed on grandma, Mary, she would never leave the house without her makeup on. And I thought that was just ridiculous. Because I was like a, you know, athlete. And I was like, we don’t have to wear makeup to be fantastic. But what I learned is that that made her feel good. And so Deborah left the house without her makeup. So again, same thing, she felt more confident. So when your website is strong, it’s easier to fall back and say, Okay, I’m strong. And it’s a reflection point. I’m strong, I can do this. We can do this together, me and my website. Let’s go. It does make a huge difference. It

Laura Kåmark
does. Absolutely. Oh, so many good things here. I love it. I want to talk a little bit about some of the things that you’re doing that’s different in the industry. How you’re being bold.

Renee Hribar
How I’m being bold? Well, as a crazy Italian New Yorker. I feel like I I feel like I do a lot of things. But that that question is like, what are you doing different in the industry? So it’s hard for me. And I think for a lot of people to believe that we’re doing much different. I use the analogy often about the bread aisle, right. Like, I’m not inventing bread, I didn’t invent even sliced bread or the bag that it goes into the fact that you should put the you know all the different accoutrement you find inside of a bag of bread. But what you can do is make what exists the best that you can make it as in my case, it would be well, I didn’t invent sales conversations. I didn’t invent sales processes. I didn’t invent the tried and true things that work on humans to get them to do the thing you want them to do in a non manipulative, persuasive way, we’re going to kind of gentle way, what I do is I help the other person feel comfortable using it. And so for me, it’s less about so I guess if I’m gonna say anything that makes me bold and different, it’s I’m less about this is the tactic, use the tactic. And I’m more like, I’ve got 1000 tactics, you tell me what you like to do. And I’ll match you with, with what I think might be a good suggestion for you. And then we try it together. It’s like you’re trying it on it. So there was like, if you’re going to like we’re on the clothes analogy now. So you go to Nordstrom, you’re like, I got a big party. I’m going to my reunion. And I’m like, Okay, well, like what should I wear? I’m like, Well, I mean, I got 1000 ideas. What are you like to wear? What do you feel comfortable wearing? Is it V neck? Do you like dresses? Do you like pantsuits Do you like, what color do you like to wear? And then you tell me those things. And I can go pull a wardrobe and have, you know, make a room for you? Right? I mean, I don’t know if I could actually do that. But somebody could. Like that’s the idea of how I look at sales strategy for me. So I think that’s how I’m being bold as I’m taking what I already know is I have been in hundreds of 1000s of sales conversations, hundreds of 1000s Myself personally with other people, let alone if you add up all my clients, and then all of my employees from before from my sales agency, I mean, it’d be in the millions. So I have lots of personal data from interactions. So it makes me old indifferent is I’ve got all those experiences, and I help the person make the right fit

Laura Kåmark
for that. I love that because yeah, I see so often, you know, even in joining different programs like they teach and they teach the way they know how to do it. And this is the way we’re teaching. And the I know that’s the thing that I’ve struggled with sometimes is you know, it’s trying to fit the square The round pegs in the square holes and So, being able to say, you know, have people come to you and say, This is what I’m comfortable doing, this is how I want to show up. And then you being able to take that and say, let’s try this.

Renee Hribar
Correct. So I’m not like, Oh, you just have to do DMS. But I think that there’s a time and a place for those that really work. Or oh, you just have to do this one kind of post or Oh, you have to do video, or you have there’s reasons. There’s pros and cons, there’s good arguments on both sides of every scenario. So I’m lucky enough that I’ve had the breadth and depth of experience. And I’m not 25 anymore. So with that, we’ll just call that wisdom.

Laura Kåmark
I also found really interesting how focused you are on the connection, piece of it. Of Yes, sales. Like it’s all about the connection, because you have three things that you talk about, can you one is can you touch?

Renee Hribar
Thank you. Yes, connection. And I from that experience, I’ve learned that if you can just, if you just don’t destroy the relationship, if you keep the relationship going, even if it’s, you know, one, one touch a year, you will find gold in that. So I always say it does not matter who someone is to you initially, your cousin, your neighbor, your person in line with you at Kroger you know, getting your groceries or somebody in a Zoom Room or a Facebook group of any kind, any level anywhere. They’re all one of the three C’s a client, a connector or a collaborator. And if you continue to work on yourself and share, then the chances of them being all three eventually are high. Because a lot of us will meet somebody like they’re really nice person, but we have absolutely no idea how they make money. And if we did, or and it was easy to explain. We would say I know somebody because we love to know a guy. Right? You got we’re problem solvers as as we as humans, especially women, right, like you tell us Yeah, you know, I’m really just trying to stop trying to make healthy meals for my kids. We immediately rush it you know what, I got 10 recipes. Here it is. I’ll text you right now. Right? You like, you know, you might not have been asking, but we offered. Right? We want to know a guy we want to have the answers.

Laura Kåmark
All women cuz I mean, I connect with that very much.

Renee Hribar
Feel this deeply? Yes. Yeah, there’s a t shirt. There’s a t shirt says I’m not bossy. I’m helpful.

Laura Kåmark
I got that on a post it

Renee Hribar
right, my husband would call that bossy. I’m like, Well, I mean, I’m helping helpful, but she didn’t ask. Well, I mean, she was gonna probably if not now, she does not do.

Laura Kåmark
wouldn’t have brought it up if it wasn’t top of mind.

Renee Hribar
Right. I mean, you know, she don’t. She said the meals. I got those. Yeah.

Laura Kåmark
So yes. What would you say? Were some of the struggles that you’ve had? Since you’ve gone online? In your business? Some of the does that mean? It’s not always smooth sailing? laughs jokes? chuckles

Renee Hribar
No. I mean, like, struggle is like every day. You know, like, I mean, you know, like, I am a human right. And you are to like, especially as a woman, like we have, I have hormones. So I have emotional fluctuations sometimes. So it depends on the day, right? You know, some days are better than others. And, you know, one thing that my first sales manager said to me was every dog has his day, Renee, sometimes it ain’t your day. So just have a good night’s rest and wake up tomorrow. Maybe tomorrow will be your day. There are days there are some days you just you get a goose egg, you know, you get to zero like no matter what you do, it’s raining over your head. There’s you know, you step in a puddle up to your knee and your gray suede boots no matter what. So all that’s to say, some days or not somebody is better than us. But specifically speaking in the online space. I’ve struggled hiring and leading a team because it was so different because we weren’t in an office together. So there wasn’t all that camaraderie. So I’ve built I’ve had to actually add that in you would never add in camaraderie time on a weekly basis if you work in the same office is ridiculous because you would see each other like in the bathroom in the hallway down, you know in the meeting. So we had to like build it in my teams now calls it Rene’s recommitment ceremony. So it’s 15 minutes every week, where I get everybody together, we just repeat our mission, our values and our vision. And then we all just on a high level talk about what we’re up to that week. It just keeps everybody connected. Yeah, it’s been I’ve been I haven’t it’s completely revolutionized my turnover internally from a team perspective. In the online space, it’s very, like middle school. Sometimes it can feel like middle school. I don’t know if it is like middle school. And then what I mean by that is it’s a popularity contest. or it can feel like that, you know, I’m I met with the cool kids and it can it can really because it’s the internet and it’s it can mess with our head. Because we’re constantly being fed what’s going on we have, you know, we have this thing in our hand this, this, this YouTube utensil, that if we want to check anything, we go to it and then all of a sudden we get a notification, and then boom, we’re on and on Instagram boom, we’re on tick tock, boom, we’re looking at somebody else who has a way better life than us. And it’s just like, yeah, so we have to have, I’ve had to have very strong like cleansing process, and a very strong boundary, like, I am not my business, even if my business has my name and my face, I am not my business. And so if you met me and my business at the same time, you’d say you guys are pretty similar. But if somebody attacks my business, I have to say they’re not attacking me.

Laura Kåmark
Oh, I love that. I think that’s really important. Because there are I mean, like, my business is branded with my name as well, and how creating that separation, I think can be really key to dealing with some of the backlash that can come. And some of those mindset hurdles I had for a really long time. I was just terrified to email my list. Yes, absolutely terrified. I’m

Renee Hribar
like, people share that a lot. Yeah. What am I gonna say? What are they? What? I don’t want to bother them?

Laura Kåmark
I don’t want to bother them. What if they say mean things? Like, is this? Are they going to find this thing valuable? Completely? Yes.

Renee Hribar
And so the answer to that is the answer that I had to have for myself way before I met the internet. And that was, I will never please everyone, and I am a people pleaser. But I will never please everyone. Certainly not myself, I will always be displeased with whatever I put out, so don’t let that stop me. Because it’s never gonna happen anyway, I will always look at whatever I put out and like this, because that’s just human. And I will always expect the worst. And so accepting those things allows me to put it out and just, you know, let it be.

Laura Kåmark
Yeah, I love it. I would love to switch and talk a little bit about celebrations that we’re going the other side, okay. I’m a big believer in celebrating our wins. I would love to hear something that when you look back on your business, what’s something that you feel super proud of that you would love to celebrate?

Renee Hribar
Ah, I love bringing people together like the true joy like I truly love being a matchmaker, right? My husband would call that a Yenta. Or, you know, I get you know, I’m like I you know, I metal I metal. But what I do is connect people I feel so when I see two or two people or groups of people that I connected, I introduced them to each other and that they’re thriving together, you know, they’ve collaborated on something, they’re doing something together. It just brings me joy. So that is the thing that I celebrate the most. And so I celebrate that specifically, in my experts connect like, I mean, that’s the big event. But I also celebrate it every single day in my free live community on Facebook, called entrepreneurial connections movement. So I celebrate it there by asking fun questions, going live. being silly talking about sales, and this we’re all just kind of like, you know, camaraderie, like to am at the bar. Because we don’t want to we don’t ever actually see that anymore. Right. As parents or family people. You know, we don’t see too am at the bar. I see the back of my eyelids at 2am. But I remember that feeling and it was kind of fun and little dizzy.

Laura Kåmark
Oh, and then when Sweet Caroline comes on, and everyone starts singing?

Renee Hribar
Yes. And then the lights turn on. You’re like, oh, this is horrifying. You don’t have to go home but get the heck out of here. Yep.

Laura Kåmark
Ah, yes. My 20s.

Renee Hribar
By the internet did not exist when I was in my 20s. Agreed. I mean, at least at least these things, you know?

Laura Kåmark
Yes. Moving on from that? Yes, definitely. We tiptoe away yet. So we are getting close to the end of our time. I do have one more question that I would love to ask you that I asked everyone who comes on the show. And that is what is one piece of advice that you would give someone when they’re first starting out in their business to help them be bolder, be louder and make waves within their business.

Renee Hribar
Do not roll alone. So it takes a village and so find you know people call them biz buddies, cheerleaders, teammates, the writer dies, maybe you don’t know if they’re right or die yet, but don’t do it. Don’t try to do it alone because it’s it you don’t need to. And I mean, that is one of the biggest I guess Grace’s that that first coach gave me is she introduced me to a community. I think she was showing him showing it to me as an example. But what I found were other women in the exact same boat. I’ve totally felt like, wow, I’m in the right place. I’m not alone. And I could reach out to them when I was feeling like crap and be like, I just need to vent. Can I just vent to you right now? You know, and no one else. I mean, it’s not that I don’t have my friends you know what that live near me that I you know, I was friends with up until I started coming into the online space. They just don’t under they just didn’t understand they understand having a business. But um, business on the internet was a little different because it felt more exposed.

Laura Kåmark
Yeah, it does. I love that so much. I mean, that was something that I really, it took me a number of years to find my people and find my tribe online. And I mean, when I first started my business I had been, before I started the online business, I was home, I was corporate working full time remote. And when I moved to the area, I didn’t really know anyone. So I didn’t have a lot of friends in the area, I met people out walking the dog, if they have a dog, and they live in my neighborhood, I probably know them but but then when I moved to the online space, I had a new baby at home and was just like, just struggling and juggling. And it was hard. It was really hard. And then finally it was probably like 2020, where I really found like my people. And that was five years in.

Renee Hribar
Yeah, and so I encourage it straight away. Like for me, what I did specifically was I waited by them just like a competent that’s can we have coffee together tomorrow, I just want to talk or Kavita, let’s get all of us together and just do like a fun like wine and wine, like wi N and whi NE And you know, usually would end up with fun. And we would oftentimes learn really something cool from each other, just shooting the breeze. But we’d also have that space where we can just chill and not have to be on and not have to perform and not have to do anything specific for anyone. Because in any other role in our life. We are there are certain expectations upon what we’re going to do and how we’re going to do it. And so it was nice to have that one little space that 30 minutes use. I still do these by the way, like 30 minute happy half hour, just come on, let’s hang out.

Laura Kåmark
And those they’re very fun. Yes,

Renee Hribar
because it helps if nothing else, it’s selfish because it helps me like I feel like, All right, we can just be

Laura Kåmark
ourselves. Well, if you’re feeling it, then that means other people are feeling it too. We should have oh, it helps everyone in the room.

Renee Hribar
We’ll see. This has been great. Laura, thank you so much for having me.

Laura Kåmark
Thank you so much for coming on. Renee. Can you let our listeners know where they can come hang out more with you get more laughs and just experience Renee.

Renee Hribar
Ah. So everything is centered on the easiest place is my website where you’re like you love your business, but not your website. It’s always in development. There’s new things happening on that website all the time. So it’s just my name, my name.com. So ReneeHribar.com.

Laura Kåmark
Wonderful. I will link that up in the show notes. And thank you so much for being here today. Thank you. Thanks so much for listening to this week’s episode. Be sure to check out the show notes at Laurakamark.com/podcast. And if you’re ready to grow and scale your business, and your current website is outdated and doesn’t reflect the magic you bring and the results you get for your clients. Go to Laurakamark.com To find out how I can help bring your vision to life. Thanks so much for listening. See you next week. Bye now!

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hey, i’m laura

I’m a web designer and tech integrator for female business owners who love their work but NOT their website. When you have big visions for your business I help bring them to life. 

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