Ep. 32: Overcoming Limiting Beliefs and Trusting Your Intuition with Kelli Femrite

April 12, 2023
Kelli Femrite

Meet Kelli:

Kelli is an intuitive empowerment coach and energy healer for moms who want to learn how to trust their intuition, discover their unique gifts and design their life journey in tune with their inner guidance system. She uses a combination of mindset techniques, meditation, breathwork, and energetic healing to help moms find their own version of peace, healing, and success in their lives and businesses.

She transitioned from a 9-to-5 job she was just not meant to be at in 2020 & now is absolutely in love with the work she’s doing and is passionate about helping other moms follow their own unique journeys.

Kelli also hosts a podcast called The Awakened Intuitive Motherhood Journey  – available on Apple, Google Play, Audible, Amazon and Spotify.

She has one very energetic and intuitive 6-year old daughter & is married to a firefighter first responder so she knows what it’s like to handle the family life & start a business. But if you really have that dream in your heart to pursue your own version of success she wants to help you! 💕

If you love your work and NOT your website and are ready to grow and scale your business go to laurakamark.com to find out how I can help bring your vision to life.
Full Episode Transcript

Laura Kåmark
Hey everyone. Welcome to the Be Bold, Make Waves podcast, a show bringing you inspiring stories of women who are growing and scaling their business. I’m your host, Laura Kåmark, a website and tech integration specialist who works with online business owners who love their work and not their website. Join me as we have incredible conversations about business mindset, productivity, and, of course, the website and tech behind the business. Let’s go ahead and dive in to this week’s episode. Hello, and welcome to this week’s show. For those of you who don’t already know me, I’m Laura Kåmark, a website and tech automation specialist who works with women who love their work, but not their website. My guest today is Kelly Femrite. Kelly is an intuitive empowerment coach, and energy healer for moms who want to learn how to trust their intuition, discover their unique gifts and design their life journey in tune with her inner guidance system. She uses a combination of mindset techniques, meditation, breathwork, and energetic healing to help moms find their own version of peace, healing and success in their lives and business. Kelly, thank you so much for coming on the show today. Can you tell our listeners a little bit more about how you help people?

Kelli Femrite
Yes, and thank you so much for having me on your show. I’m so excited to be chatting with you. And just so excited that we’re in this space together because of how we first met and all of those things in a business coaching program a couple few years back. So I’m just excited that we’re together in this space now. So yeah, a little bit about me and how I help moms. So I’ll go back a little bit like to tell you how I got started in helping moms because I think that’s really where the story starts. So I used to work a nine to five job. And I was in that job for almost 10 years when in 20. And in the middle of the pandemic, at the height of the pandemic, things are going crazy. But I decided to start a side hustle, because I had, I was tired of my nine to five job and I wasn’t feeling fulfilled by it, I was feeling burnt out stressed out all of the things. And then the pandemic hit and that got multiplied. So it was all these things going on. But I decided to start a side hustle in the middle of that. So that’s where it started, and initially was helping other female entrepreneurs with their online businesses. I also had a blog for working moms. And then I started a podcast for working moms since I was still so deep into the nine to five working mom world at that time, I kind of drew those themes into some of the other parts of my side hustle I was doing online. So that’s how I started helping moms. And then eventually, my business just kept transforming. As I would go through different coaching programs myself and sign up with different spiritual healers and mindset coaches, and business coaches. It’s like my business and myself transformation just evolved, like over each year. So then eventually I decided, you know, what I really felt passionate about was helping moms get through their own journey in a similar way that I had when I first realized I was not passionate about my nine to five anymore, and helping them get through their personal journey. So they can feel excited to wake up every day. So they can feel good about themselves. And so they can feel confident in what they’re doing. And so now I kind of combined, I like to say I kind of combined all of my passions and what I love to do and how I love to help moms into one business, which now mostly focuses on both intuitive coaching and energy healing, which is a combination. I have hypnotherapy services, as well as Reiki healing services now, all in there. And so I have all those offerings to help moms get through those energy blockages, get through those mindset blockages, and to really come to a place of self discovery within themselves and to realize fully like what it is they want to be expressing in the world who they want to be how they want to show up, and how that fulfills them and kind of impacts every area of their life beyond just you know the career or the business how this work can read. really impacts every single area like your relationships, your friendships, every area. So that’s a little bit about what I do now and how I kind of got there.

Laura Kåmark
I love that so much. I mean, I think it’s so interesting because like, as women and as moms, we have so many different, like, identities that we feel very tied to, I know when I was working corporate, and then I was suddenly laid off when I was pregnant, actually, with my first daughter, and it felt like I lost kind of a piece of what I felt was my identity, which was this, like working corporate, nine to five that I’d done for so long. Yeah. And then I had my daughter, and now I’m like, I have this identity as a mother, and you lose so much like that sense of self and like who I am, and like, your priority, you put your yourself in your self care and like your needs will get moved down on the list. Absolutely. I think as the kids get older, and we get to a place where we’re able to focus more on us and what our needs are, and rediscovering like who we are, as, as business owners, as moms as women. I think it’s such an important work that we have to get in and dive into. Because there’s so much mindset stuff that’s come up, there’s, you know, like you were you’re talking about with the energy blocks, which I want to talk a little bit about that actually. Can you explain to our audience like what it what is your definition of an energy block? Yeah, that’s

Kelli Femrite
a good question. So when we, when we feel just as an example, like if we feel stuck in some way, so say we set out to start an online business, but we start setting things up, and then we have all of these kind of little voices come up, and they’re telling us, like, you’re not good enough to do this? Who do you think you are? You’re not skilled enough, you don’t have enough experience? Or this is never gonna work? Like how am I going to make money online? How is the seat like, I can’t even wrap my brain around how this works. So often, what is behind those sorts of thoughts that we’re getting in our minds, is these underlying both subconscious blocks that we have, which live deep in our subconscious minds that were not always consciously aware of when we’re walking through our day to day, and additionally, they could be living, they can actually be living in our energetic bodies, which relates to the system of chakras. So it for a complete new beginner that knows nothing about chakras. It’s the system that lives within our body. And each chakra relates to a different sort of expression of ourselves area of life, things that we do in the world ways of being. So for example, like the throat chakra relates to our self expression and how we show up how we communicate to people. Also how we communicate like our needs and our boundaries, and things like that. So when we have an energy blockage somewhere in this chakra energetic system in our bodies, it manifests as these limiting beliefs that we keep hearing in our mind, it manifests as us feeling sort of stuck or uncertain about what we should be doing next. And it manifests sometimes as a sort of, like you get in this spiral of sort of negative beliefs or feelings that are coming up because you just cannot get past it and it feels like you’re in a spiral of it. So these are all related to energy blockages in the body. And essentially, what I do with clients is we go in, and we kind of scan through the whole client’s energetic system of chakras, and we kind of see what comes up like what is living in there. And sometimes it could be like manifesting as a physical pain in the body. Sometimes it can be manifesting as a sickness or allergies or you keep repeatedly getting the same sickness or cold or something that’s popping up in your body. And so when we go in there, we clear out the stagnant energy and that’s through both. Hypnotherapy is more of a subconscious clearing and then Reiki is more of the energetic body clearing. I love that The

Laura Kåmark
description of it all. So thank you for sharing that with our listeners. We you and I did a session a couple of months ago. And that was, I believe a hypnotherapy session. No, it was an energetic clearing.

Kelli Femrite
It was an energetic clearing. Yeah. So that was more of like the scanning the chakras that I was talking about. So we went in, and I kind of scan through all your chakras and seeing kind of what was coming up as I was doing that. And then we in that session, I actually felt a physical sensation in my body. So this is what kind of takes a while for people who aren’t used to this kind of work to wrap their heads around that that can be possible on a zoom call that I could feel a sensation. Right, but I did. And then I mentioned it to you. And you said yes, I’ve been having like this new set lower back pain for quite a while, right? Yes.

Laura Kåmark
Yeah. And it was really fascinating. Because, you know, two months later, I haven’t had that pain. I mean, it went away, I think a few days after our call, it was gone. And then it’s, it has not come back. And I mean, I had this pain in my lower left side of my back for, gosh, six months. And that way, right, there was just so amazing to me. And then like things also, at that point started like picking up in my business as well. Like, it was fascinating. And I loved it. I love that kind of stuff. I’m very like, I don’t feel like I have a ton of experience in like a more woowoo side of things. But I find it all absolutely fascinating. And I’m always curious about it. So

Kelli Femrite
yeah, and what’s super interesting is that a lot of people really think that it is all the woowoo side of how this works, but there is actual science behind it as well. And so I picked up a book that I haven’t actually have it right here, it’s called charge and the energy body. And it’s a really, really good read for anyone who wants to go deeper and connecting, how some of these energy techniques are related to backed in science and how they kind of go hand in hand. So that’s a great read for anybody who wants to explore that more. But basically, you know, there’s, they call it an energetic charge that lives in all of our bodies. And when something happens to us, so say either a, like a little T trauma, or a big T trauma, say in our childhood, something happens to cause like this energy deliver in our bodies, and it causes it to get stuck. Because at the time when the trauma actually happens, we didn’t release, we didn’t release the energy of it, so then it just becomes stuck. And that’s what happens with the cycling around of limiting beliefs or of negative thoughts or something. You know, for example, like, I just heard a story the other day, someone’s father in childhood told them that they were too big to be a dancer or a ballerina. So that like story got stuck in her energetic body. And she believed it for years and years, even though it wasn’t even true. She didn’t have the capacity to release it. It was her father, she was a child. And it was something you know, you look up to your your mother and father when you’re a child, and you believe what they say. So that pattern that story got stuck in her body, and she wasn’t able to release it until adulthood. But when she finally did, it was like, that story kind of in, it’s not like it goes away or it’s like, you know, you don’t remember that it happened. But it just frees you. It frees you energetically of holding on to that for any longer. And then you see that what you desire, what you’re trying to manifest into the world what you’re trying to bring into the world. Maybe she will go out and dance now because she she released that and she no longer feels like that is something that’s holding her back. So just examples like that, and how, you know, the woowoo is sort of combined with science and it all works together. And even psycho therapists have taken on training in these energetic modalities because they realize that while talk therapies and all of those are really good. Sometimes it’s just not it doesn’t go deep enough for some people to be able to clear out those past the beliefs and traumas.

Laura Kåmark
That makes so much sense. And yeah, absolutely. We’ve mentioned a few times and limiting beliefs, how do you find that limiting beliefs can impact our daily lives?

Kelli Femrite
That’s a good question. Yeah. Um, so definitely, you know, limiting beliefs. Big one, there’s big ones around money. So that’s like the example I like to go to right away. So, you know, our limiting beliefs about money usually come from childhood. Again, it’s like what our parents repeat back to us when we’re a child, sort of like money doesn’t grow on trees. And money is the root of all evil. And you and I are in both in Denise Duffield Thomas’s program. So we’ve seen all those examples of money blocks and things like that. So how those can actually affect your day to day life is say you are a new entrepreneur, and you use to start your business. But then you just like you give up, you quit, or you’re having trouble. So you keep kind of flip flopping back and forth, oh, maybe I should go back to my nine to five, maybe I should quit this, maybe I should get another nine to five or part time job or something. And then you’re kind of splitting your energy, like between both ways or both options, because you have those sort of limiting beliefs about money, that are stuck running through your subconscious and your energetic body. So in your day to day life, it manifest as perhaps you are the money example, like perhaps you make money, but you spend it all right away, and you can’t figure out why that’s happening. Or perhaps you always get another bill coming in just when you get some sort of money coming in, then a bill pops up. So that’s how it can actually affect your day to day life, like scenarios will pop up, and you kind of feel like they’re coming out of the blue. But when you really dig deeper into it, and dig deeper into your history and your money stories, or even as a different example, like with the woman who had the father who told her she was too big to be a dancer. So then that could manifest into her day to day life, as I’m not going to sign up for these dance classes. Everyone’s gonna make fun of me, I don’t belong there. Even though if she really, really deep down desire to do that, that would prevent her from taking that step towards her passion.

Laura Kåmark
Yeah, I find that one of the things that I’ve noticed a lot lately with people is there’s is sometimes just changing the way we talk about things. Because there is, again, like a lot of science around our mindset and how we talk about stuff. So like in saying, Nothing ever works out for me. Nothing ever goes my way. Nothing ever will go your way, nothing will work out for you. Because again, it’s science, your brain hears that. And it’s in try to find ways to prove yourself, right. So if you change that narrative, to everything always works out for me. Your brain again, it’s science will try to prove that yes, everything does work out. And so it’s going to look for ways to prove that idea.

Kelli Femrite
Absolutely. Yeah. Another funny thing that most people do not realize is that the brain actually cannot process negatives. So when we, when we kind of talk about, well, I don’t want to do this, or I can’t do this, or we have that language around it. The brain just takes it as face value, saying I do want this. So when you’re saying I don’t want to be I don’t want to have a lack of money or something like that. The brain thinks Oh, you want a lack of money. Like it’s just weird how it works. But it is actually based in brain science and neuro linguistic programming, which is Neuro Linguistic Programming is a little bit of the basis behind hypnotherapy. Okay.

Laura Kåmark
So can we talk a little bit more about what hypnotherapy is and how

Kelli Femrite
it works? Yeah, absolutely. So hypnotherapy I always get a lot of questions around whether it’s you know, most people see it on TV or movies as someone getting like hypnosis ties and then you them making them do certain things or like, you know, a hypnotist show or something. It’s absolutely not like that at all. So what it is, is it’s a an extremely relaxing session where the client shows up. And essentially, you’re just laying there sitting there. And you’re like in a meditative state, but you’re in a state beyond a normal meditation, you’re more in the state of right before you fall asleep at night. So that’s the state your brain is in. So that way, you can take in the suggestions that the hypnotherapist is giving to you. And with my clients, I always really customize the scripts that I’m giving to them. So for example, like I had a mom come to me who she really was experienced experiencing postpartum anxiety and stress. And it was almost to the point where like, she didn’t want to go out of the house because she was just anxious about leaving her baby. And these different things and she didn’t want to to book in with a regular therapist, she had no desire to do that. So she came to me, and we work together to create some custom hypnotherapy sessions around her, I’m easing that anxiety here, easing that stress, easing that sort of worry and concern that she was experiencing around because it was affecting not only her, um, you know, not only her relationship with her son, because she was that constant state of anxiety, but also other relationships, you know, her family, and it was just, it’s all kind of projects out when you have certain things going on in your life. So we were able to work together. And basically, she shows up to the sessions, she just gets relaxed. And I talk through the hypnotherapy scripts, and I put her in a very relaxed state, and talk through the whole time and have meditative music playing in the background. And then she comes out of it. And we talked about what she experienced. So this particular one, she was able to release some of that anxiety and stress that was happening. And it was happening for over a year before she came to see me. And the next week after our first session, she went out of the house by herself, took a trip to like to the mall, went shopping, went to lunch by herself, and told me that she just like she didn’t feel anxious, didn’t feel stressed. And she felt like completely, like refreshed, and was really happy that she was able to have that experience. So it is, like I said, it’s all custom to what the client wants to work through. But most often it is based in again, underlying like subconscious beliefs that we’re not completely aware of as we walk through our day to day, she was aware that she had the anxiety, but she didn’t know why like what was underlying it. And so that’s what we explore deeper.

Laura Kåmark
Oh, I love that. So speaking of subconscious mindset, do you have any, like subconscious mindset techniques that we can you use to kind of move past some of our limiting beliefs? Yes,

Kelli Femrite
yes, there’s so many. So the ones that I saw the ones that I love to suggest the most if you are like a new beginner to this, or maybe you’ve tried a few things, but I love cord cutting techniques, and they’re really easy to do. So I actually did a an event in my Facebook group a couple of weeks ago, and that’s still up if anyone wants to look at that I can give you the link. There’s a whole event in there that I did. So basically a cord cutting is it’s a type of meditation really. So you go into the session and the person guiding the session is just kind of putting you into a meditative state and then you are you’re walking through sort of past attachments, past hurts limiting beliefs or decisions or situations that you feel you’re holding on to and that are preventing you from moving forward into your future. goals into your future manifestations. So those types of things, they feel like very heavy energy holding you down in some way. So basically, we go into the session and then I guide the clients through a visualization that will actually help you to visualize yourself cutting off the energy to those particular chords, as we call them. And you can picture them as real chords attached from you to other people, or attached from you to like the past situation, or this is my favorite one, you can imagine it as attached to a past version of yourself. And then you go in and cut the cord to the past version of yourself. So and it’s not that you’re cutting off your identity or anything like that. It’s just the past version of yourself that had that limiting belief that you no longer want that moving forward with you. So you’re you just go in and remove it. And energetically, it gets removed from your body. So that would be one I would say, is a really good one for anyone that’s new to energy work beginner. You can find a lot of them on YouTube as well.

Laura Kåmark
Oh, I love that. What would you say are some conscious mindset tools we can use to improve our daily lives?

Kelli Femrite
Yeah, so conscious mindset tools would be more of our like meditations, guided meditations, affirmations. So I find it really powerful to actually create our own affirmations. And you know this as well, because I know you do create your own money, affirmations and things like that. But it’s really powerful to kind of get into a meditative state. And it doesn’t have to be fancy. I always tell everyone, like, there’s some guided meditations on YouTube, if that’s your thing. But I know I’ve also mentioned to you in the past, because you walk every day on the beach. So just doing that, if you’re not listening to any headphones, or you’re not taking phone calls, just walking in nature is a great way to get into a meditative state. It’s one of my favorite ways. So do something like that to kind of clear out your mind, get into that place. And then sit down and get out a notebook and just come up with some custom affirmations and some custom things and whatever is coming up to your mind. Without thinking about it too hard, just whatever comes up first, and just write it down and see what comes up. And then make sure that you put that in a place that you see every day. So on your computer screen, your bathroom mirror, the door, you know the door where you exit every day to take your kids to school anywhere you can see it, and it’s just really powerful. It’s to me, it’s the first powerful step towards towards changing your mindset. While it’s not. It’s not the end all be all like I know, we see a lot of people say, you know, affirmations aren’t enough. But it is a good first positive step. I would say if you’re completely new to personal development and to manifestation and to positive self development and all those things, affirmations are a really great way to dip your toe into it.

Laura Kåmark
Yeah, I love affirmations so much as you know, I do I will send you ones when I come up with them. Just because I’m like a verbal processor. I love to Vox people. And so Kelly and I Vox each other constantly. I love sending I love sending my affirmations that way it helps me speak it out loud. And then I’m just because I am always on the go. I feel like I do a lot of my processing when I’m out walking, which I think is one of the reasons I’m not much of a journaler because I’m processing when I’m out walking the dog. And so for me it’s really helpful to be able to just like box those to someone.

Kelli Femrite
Yeah. And I always tell people to if you’re not much of a writer of a journaler you also can just record like Voice Note apps on your phone to to yourself. That’s always an option too.

Laura Kåmark
Oh, I love that. So helped you say that spirituality is really relating to business for you?

Kelli Femrite
That’s a great question. So I I feel like my whole business journey has been hand in hand with my spirituality journey. So they talk about it In, in I’m in spirituality in sort of an I don’t want to say like New Age spirituality, but I want to say, in general spirituality not attached to a specific religion, that’s how I would define it. Um, but when you there’s a certain point, and it could happen in multiple parts of your life, but they call it a dark night of the soul. And when that happens, it’s almost like your whole life kind of turns upside down and changes. And that happened for me when I just up and decided to quit my corporate job after 10 years of being there. So I considered that my dark night of the soul, because I was at such a place where I was so deeply unhappy. And to the point of being depressed to the point of not wanting to get out of bed to go to that job to work at that job, it was just, it was a really bad place that I was in. So I would consider that the dark night of my soul that sparked my whole sort of, I would say, an evolving journey that I have taken with my business, because it was at that point, when I dived into entrepreneurship and full time. And as I have gone through many, many iterations of my business, each time that I so I started working with a mindsets and spiritual coach myself, and each time I would kind of come to a breakthrough in my work with her, I would change something in my business, each time I would overcome a limiting belief or a mindset black or something that was underlying, I would make a change or launch something or, you know, make a new podcast or do something in my business that like reflected my spiritual growth. So to me, it’s kind of so interweaved now, it’s just like, the spiritual journey, and the business journey is almost one. And there’s also, there’s also a little bit of a struggle to that sometimes, because then it’s hard to separate, sort of your personal journey from business, and you feel kind of attached to it all the time, right. So there’s like a fine line between that. And as you know, all of us all the listeners listening, you are women, entrepreneurs who feel passionate, you started your business for a reason, right? Because it’s your passion, it’s what you really want to be doing. So that part becomes a little bit challenging to navigate, sort of separating your personal journey and the business journey and giving yourself like that time away from the business and not feeling like you have to be on it all the time and be online and be in the Facebook groups and be present and all of those things, right.

Laura Kåmark
Yeah, I think finding ways to find that separation and also feel in alignment with what we’re doing. I think it’s important to also touch on the fact that like, it’s okay to make tweaks and changes and pivots in our business. Like, just That’s why I do feel passionate that when people are first starting out, like, they need like, a little bit more DIY website and just kind of figure it out, which is why I created you know, my DIY Website Launch Kit was for people who are just getting started, they’re not ready to do a custom web design with me, because they’re not ready for that yet. They need to go spend some time in their business, figure out what it is it’s going to light them up, bring them joy, and find their, like dreamy clients and the dreamy things they love to do like that is something that I am such a believer in that we need to really find that alignment that really just lights us up, because that’s why we’re doing this.

Kelli Femrite
Yeah, absolutely. And that’s exactly what my journey has been like. Because when I, you know, I’ve gone through so many versions of my business, that if I were to have created like a custom website for each one, that would probably not have been a good idea because I’ve changed it so many times. But now, I’m finally at the place now, after when did I start this? I would say I’ve been in business for about four years. And now I’m finally at the place where I feel confident and assured that this is the direction that I’m going to be going in and that this is what I’m meant to be doing right. So sometimes it takes a while to figure that out because we’re going like as we were Talking about we’re going through our own spiritual and personal growth journeys at the same time. And so the version of us that was four years ago might not be the one that’s sitting here today.

Laura Kåmark
Oh, so good. Yes, exactly. That’s so good. I love that. I would love to know, what would you say was one of like, the biggest mindset hurdles you had to overcome to get to where you’re at right now?

Kelli Femrite
Yes, so I would definitely say my biggest mindset hurdle was believing that I actually had the inner talents and the inner power to do the things that I really wanted to be doing. Because for so many years, I held myself back from really diving into doing what I was passionate about, because I felt well, I didn’t have you know, XYZ coaching certification, or I didn’t have enough experience helping moms or I didn’t have like, all these things. You know, despite that, I came from a giant like Corporation and had an MBA, but I threw that out the window, right, I didn’t have a coaching certification. So I wasn’t qualified. But I think that was probably the biggest hurdle for me. And that took a good probably two years to like, completely get through that to be at the point where I am now where I feel confident to show up and feel confidence in the gifts and abilities that I’m able to share with others.

Laura Kåmark
Oh, I love that so much. I’ve and I really enjoyed being a part of your journey and watching as you’ve grown and evolved, it’s been a it’s been fun to be a part of it from kind of the sidelines. So I’ve enjoyed that as well.

Kelli Femrite
Yeah, me too. I love. I love how we’ve been able to stay connected after kind of going different ways in both of our businesses.

Laura Kåmark
Absolutely. So Kelly, I have one final question that I asked everyone who comes on the podcast. And that is what is one piece of advice you would give to someone when they’re first starting out, that would help them be bolder, be louder and make waves in their business?

Kelli Femrite
Oh, that’s a good one. So what I would say is show up in your truest expression of your authenticity that you can find, like in that moment. So instead of So as someone who kind of, I’m an intuitive coach, I teach women to tap into their intuition and to follow their inner light and their inner guidance. So I would say, you know, tap into that inner guidance, instead of relying on what outside sources are telling you what outside people are telling you, you should be doing or you shouldn’t be doing. Just allow yourself to kind of give yourself that space. And once a day is perfect, even if it’s just for like 10 minutes, that’s all you need to tap into that inner space within you. And really, really tune in to like, what is it? What is it trying to tell you without bringing the outside influences in right away, because that’s when you’re really gonna start noticing that you start building the path as you go in your business and in your life. And you’re not necessarily worried about every little step that you’re gonna need to take to get there. You kind of just start trusting, trusting the process, trusting that every step you’re doing is leading you to where you’re meant to be going and surrendering to your journey. So that’s what I would say. I

Laura Kåmark
love that so much. I think that’s such an amazing advice and such a great place for us to close off the show. Kelly Can you tell our listeners where they can find you hang out with you find out more ways that they can work with you? Yeah, of course.

Kelli Femrite
So I I show up most often on Instagram. So I’m at Kelly dot femme writes on Instagram. I also have a free Facebook group for moms who are interested in getting started with, you know, their spiritual journey, their intuitive journey we talk a lot about, we do a lot of the energy clearings in my group. So I do those like once a month I’ll go in and we’ll do either Like the cord cutting, or we’ll do some type of meditation for like the full moon or new moon, different like fun things like that. So the Facebook group is called mom intuitive healing circle, you can just look that up on Facebook and come and join us. And I would love to have anyone there. So my currently what I am offering, I have a monthly membership for moms. So this is a sort of like an introductory membership. If you’re just getting started and want to learn how to tap into your intuition more, you want to learn how to clear out subconscious programming and you want to do kind of all the things we’ve talked about on this podcast today. I’m within a safe group container of other moms that are on similar journeys. So that I’m actually it’s $44 a month, but I’m running a 50% off special for the whole month of Aries season since my birthday is in Aries season. So you can grab that for 50% off right now, if that is something you’re interested in. And additionally I do have one to one support containers at you know, at a higher level of support if moms are interested in that as well.

Laura Kåmark
Wonderful. I will link all that up in the show notes. Kelly, thank you so much for coming on the show today. This was such an amazing conversation.

Kelli Femrite
Yes, thank you so much for having me. I’m really excited that we were able to connect in this way.

Laura Kåmark
Thanks so much for listening to this week’s episode. Be sure to check out the show notes at laurakamark.com/podcast. And if you’re ready to turn your website into a marketing machine, get more sales, save time and simplify the back into your business. Grab my free resource power integrations for your websites. Head on over to Laurakamark.com/power. If you enjoyed today’s episode, make sure subscribe. And also, I’ll just love you forever if you leave me a review. It helps get this podcast in front of other people that it can help inspire. Thanks so much for listening. I’ll see you next week. Bye now!

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