Ep. 55: Increasing Your Sales & Wealth with a Regulated Nervous System with Corene Phelps

November 8, 2023
Corene Phelps, a blonde woman, sitting on a blue couch.

Meet Corene

Corene Phelps is a native Washingtonian, entrepreneur and growth advisor supporting leaders and business owners to reach their maximum potential.  Her method takes leaders and teams through a performance training methodology that focuses on empowering individual contributors to drive strategic priorities and tactical implementation in a coordinated, optimized way.  She also offers an individual mastermind program that combines mindset training with HRV training, hypnosis, breathwork and strategic coaching.  Her experience spans the health care, wellness, fitness, real estate, and mobile/direct-to-consumer technology industries.

If you love your work and NOT your website and are ready to grow and scale your business go to laurakamark.com to find out how I can help bring your vision to life.
Full Episode Transcript

Laura Kåmark [00:00:01]:

Hey, everyone. Welcome to the Be Bold Make Waves podcast, a show bringing you inspiring stories of women who are growing and scaling their business. I’m your host, Laura Kåmark, a website and tech integration specialist who works with online business donors who love their work and not their website. Join me as we have incredible conversations about business, mindset, productivity, and, of course, the website and tech behind the business. Let’s go ahead and dive in to this week’s episode. Hello, and welcome to this week’s show. For those of you who don’t already know me, I’m Laura Kåmark, website and tech integration specialist for women who love their work but not their tech. I’m so excited to introduce you to my guest today, Corene Phelps.

Laura Kåmark [00:00:49]:

She is a native Washington DCer, Because I cannot pronounce Washingtonian, which is what’s actually in the bio, but you’ll see that in the show notes. She’s an entrepreneur and growth adviser supporting leaders and business owners to reach their maximum potential. Her method takes leaders and teams through a performance training methodology that focuses on empowering individual contributors to drive strategic priorities and tactical implementation in a coordinated optimized way. She also offers an individual mastermind program that combines mindset training, which with HRV training, hypnosis, breath work, and strategic coaching. Her experience spans the health care, wellness, fitness, real estate, and mobile to direct to consumer technology industries. Corene, thank you so much for coming on the show today. I cannot wait to dive into all of this.

Corene Phelps [00:01:52]:

Sitting here listening to you read my bio, I’m like, it’s really unexciting. Maybe I should Maybe we should redo that.

Laura Kåmark [00:02:01]:

I’m I’m very curious. I’m just looking and dive right in and just say, I do not know which what RV training is. Can you tell our audience what that means?

Corene Phelps [00:02:09]:

Yes. That’s, like, my most favorite thing to talk about or at least one of them. It’s heart rate variability, and heart rate variability is essentially the metric with which It basically dicks it’s a big explainer of how your body is responding to stress. And so what the HRV actually means as the space between your heart beats, and we want a large space. We want a lot of oscillation and variation in there. And when we’re stressed, It actually becomes very narrow.

Laura Kåmark [00:02:41]:

Okay. So how did you get started in all this?

Corene Phelps [00:02:46]:

Oh my goodness. Wow. So my background, I started out in real estate, when I graduated from college, but my degree is in nutrition and food science. So I really have a strong foundation and root In health and wellness, and so somewhere in my real estate career, I was like, what the heck are you doing? How did this even happen to you? I don’t know if you’ve ever had that happen where you’re like, wait. How did I get here? This wasn’t the path that I was supposed to be on. So that was me towards my my very late twenties, and I just was, like, you know, my job is making me miserable. It’s not what I wanted to do, and so I burned it all down. And I jumped into health and wellness.

Corene Phelps [00:03:19]:

And so that’s how I’m doing what I’m doing now, which is sort of a hybrid of of some things. Right? So I I taught yoga, Pilates, did nutrition counseling for a long time, And I was always working with high performers, doctors, CEOs, founders, sometimes professional athletes. And What I started to realize is that most of them were coming to me for one thing, but it really wasn’t what they were coming to me for. And there’s a big piece of this mindset piece behind that. And so I spent a lot of time really finding out how it is that you extract the best out of every person, meaning how do you perform at your top with sort of, you know, tools, tricks, and and things like that. And a lot of it does have to have to do with mindset, but we can’t just change our mind. I know you hear that, like, it’s like your thoughts control your Your actions and but but there’s a lot of things that go on behind that, and our body holds so much information. So when we’re looking to grow and expand In our businesses and in our careers, we tend to think that it’s a strategy that’s going to get us there.

Corene Phelps [00:04:31]:

And, yes, strategy is really, really important. But if you aren’t in the right headspace or the right physical space In your body, when we’re trying to execute those things, it’s going to really be a they’re a huge challenge, a, for you to sustain it. But a lot of times, it’s The person behind the strategy that’s, you know, the bottleneck. It’s not the strategy.

Laura Kåmark [00:04:53]:

So is this like when I have maybe, like, a project I need to be working on, and I just refuse to, like, take that 1st step and do it. Yeah. What’s holding me back? Why am I refusing to do this? Like, it’s I know what I need to do. I just keep putting it on the back burner, putting it on the back burner, doing other tasks.

Corene Phelps [00:05:12]:

Yeah. Absolutely. And so that procrastination, We think a lot of times is rooted in a mindset, but it’s actually coming from your nervous system. And your nervous system is essentially the bridge between you and the outside world. Our heart rate is a indicator of where you are in your in your nervous system state. And if when when we get stuck in that procrastination state, it’s Typically, something going on there. And so it really doesn’t matter if you’re giving yourself 8,000,000 affirmations or you’re doing all the mindset Work. If your nervous system is not in the right state, it’s not going to work.

Corene Phelps [00:05:49]:

You’re not gonna be able to shift.

Laura Kåmark [00:05:52]:

Oh. So then what do we do?

Corene Phelps [00:05:55]:

Well, there’s lots of different things that you can do. Nervous system regulation, which is you know, this is a kind of a buzzword right now. You hear a lot of a lot of this is getting thrown around because there’s a lot of Education and knowledge that’s really starting to come to the forefront. It’s being spread all all around. So it’s not like this is a new thing. It just kinda seems like it’s a trendy thing to talk about because people are really just starting to understand it. And I think also the reason too is because subconscious reprogramming and Things of that nature are also becoming very, mainstream and popularized, which is a part of our nervous system, but it’s not the whole picture. And so nervous system regulation is really it’s like a it’s a lifestyle.

Corene Phelps [00:06:41]:

Just like we go workout, we can do training for our nervous system. And one of the things that I do is heart rate variability training. And that is a form of breath work, but it’s biofeedback Breathwork. I also teach some other kinds of of breathwork that are more, I would say, like, a journey. But HRV breathwork Training that expands our HRV, expands our capacity is very strategic, very specific, and we Track it with data points, which is really exciting, I think, for people who are type a kinds of folks. Yes. You can see that the thing that you’re doing is actually working. It’s like when we’re on a weight loss journey, we want to step on the scale and see a different number.

Corene Phelps [00:07:27]:

We wanna put our jeans on and see a different smaller number when we’re on a journey like that. Well, when we are working on our mindset and our nervous system, You can actually use HRV training to see an actual data point of where your nervous system is. And what’s really, really cool about this, You can actually start to track it and attach it to things like improvement in your sales, improvement in your business. When you start to come into a regulated state before you get onto a sales call, you’ll actually start to see that your sales conversions improve. So not only will you see your HRV improve, telling you that your nervous system and that you’re becoming more healthier, stronger, more resilient in your nervous system, your bank account is also gonna show you.

Laura Kåmark [00:08:11]:

Which also makes you just, like, less stressed and happier and calmer because everything’s

Corene Phelps [00:08:15]:

happening now.

Laura Kåmark [00:08:16]:

Oh, I love this. So that would be basically so how are we is is what we’re doing here. We’re finding a way that we can increase our sales and wealth by regulating the nervous system. Is that what I’m hearing?

Corene Phelps [00:08:32]:

Yes. I mean, there’s so many other benefits. I mean, this is the one people really like to hear about.

Laura Kåmark [00:08:36]:

Oh, absolutely. That’s That’s what I heard. So what did this I know you kinda went into how you got into this, but do you I feel like there’s a story here on how this all happened for you. How did you how have you used your nervous system to help conquer some things in your life.

Corene Phelps [00:08:58]:

Oh my gosh. Wow. So I am a type a person, which some people are like, really? That’s true about you? Because I tend to seem like I’m super calm, but it’s kinda like a a duck. Right? You know, like duck Sliding across the water, but if you were to peek underneath, it’s like paddling for its life. And that’s kind of been how I’ve been my entire life Prelearning about nervous system regulation, and it’s still actually a journey. And all those things are related to trauma. And I I dropped that in there, and I, like, almost hate hate to use that word now because it’s also another buzzword. But we all have versions and forms of Trauma in in stuck in our body, and they kinda drive us to our our patterns, and mine was overworking.

Corene Phelps [00:09:44]:

I poured myself into work, and so it didn’t matter what what career I was in and I pivoted a bunch of times, I would just work a a lot. And when I say a lot, I was like, really long hours, 6, 7 days a week stepping away was, like yeah. Right? Take a vacation and not work or, you know, have a weekend off. No way. I can’t do that. Which really, really started to show up Several times in my life, but it really took through the 3rd time for it to drive home that it was it’s time to to make a change. So I found myself Walking into a hospital because I thought I was having a heart attack. And this was about 5 ish years ago Now and so for context, I am 45 years old.

Corene Phelps [00:10:29]:

So at 39 years old, I’m thinking I’m having a heart attack walking in So in emergency room and the doctor’s like, you’re not having a heart attack. You’re having an essentially, like, a panic attack, an anxiety attack, And it’s because you are basically not taking care of yourself at all. You’re working it too hard. You’re completely burnt out, and you need something needs to change. And And like I said, this was the 3rd time something like this happened, just not this this severe. And at this point right now, I mean, the fact that I it took that as kinda crazy because my hair was falling out. I thought it was something else that was going on with me. I had gained weight that I couldn’t get rid of, didn’t matter what I did with my workouts, like, all the things that nothing was working.

Corene Phelps [00:11:12]:

And it was all coming back to the fact that my body was just like, I am stressed out, freaked out. You’re not letting me rest, and it was showing up in all the ways. Getting sick all the time, aches and pains, like, you name it, and I was edgy and grumpy and mean, and I just was not a pleasure person to be around. So this was a 2 by 4 for me, and it just, like, hit me right across the back because that’s what happens when we don’t take the more subtle hints and cues that our body and the universe tries to give us whatever they happen to be. And so that was my moment of, like, okay. Like, this has gotta change. I have a daughter, and I wanna, you know, I wanna see her have children, and, I love my family and my dog and all the things, and I don’t wanna be Sitting in a hospital having a heart attack at 39 years old. Because the doctor said to me, he was like, if you you don’t do something, you will be back here having a heart attack, as a 39 year old woman.

Laura Kåmark [00:12:07]:


Corene Phelps [00:12:07]:

And so that is where it kinda all began, and I dove 1st into hypnosis is really where I started, and I actually ended up going through training for myself and became a hypnotherapist after It was had such a big impact on me, but that was only scratching the surface. Like, it made me feel better, and I was doing a pretty good job, But I wasn’t quite where I needed needed to be. I still was, like, kinda doing this 2 step with the the patterns. Right? Like, I take A little bit of a step forward, but then I’d regress back and find myself, like, flirting with burnout again. And then I discovered breathwork, And this this was not HRV training breathwork. This was, hypno breathwork, which is something that I facilitate, and I love it. Absolutely love it, and I think it’s great for finding clarity, finding solutions, even for stress relief. But there was still something missing.

Corene Phelps [00:13:03]:

And so I ended up reading this book that’s called a heart or mind mind, body, breath, I think is actually what it’s called. And the woman who wrote it, her name is Leigh Lagos. And I actually the book completely shifted and changed the way I looked at stress, stress management, so much so that I actually reached out to her, and I actually have gone to dinner with her a couple times in New York City. And so I did a couple sessions with her, and it really piqued my interest in understanding how this heart rate variability thing work. I went through her program, and I actually saw such a Dramatic shift in my HRV, how I was feeling that Actually, during this period, I overcame a tremendous amount of debt. My business grew, and I’m a completely changed person. So through that journey, I ended up Becoming HRV certified, and I started and I’m, like, midway through right now the somatic experiencing program, which is a 3 year program, Really learning how to regulate your nervous system through somatic practices. So all of that gets blended together.

Laura Kåmark [00:14:12]:

Oh, that’s absolutely fascinating. I have 1 question. Do you do you remember how was it that book that you ended up picking up? Did someone recommend it? Did it just I

Corene Phelps [00:14:22]:

heard it on a podcast.

Laura Kåmark [00:14:23]:

You heard it on a podcast? Okay. Just curious. That was something I was like, oh, how’d the the one one that changed everything. I

Corene Phelps [00:14:29]:

love that. Yeah. You know, sometimes though, I’ve had those happen where it’s like, I’m just getting ready to run out the door for a flight. I’ll walk over to my bookcase, which you see behind me, and I’ll be like, and it’s really wild how that happens. It’s like exactly what you need at that time. Yep. This was I heard it. I heard was on a podcast.

Corene Phelps [00:14:46]:

I heard her talking about it, and I was like, this sounds like pretty fascinating. And, Tim Ferris is actually a client of hers, And that was kind of like I was actually, at that time, doing a a program for mastering how to Basically, have a 4 hour workday and be very efficient in your business. After my burnout experience, I was trying to put these all these practices into place. And she mentioned that he had been a client, and that kinda piqued my interest. So then I picked up the book, and here we are.

Laura Kåmark [00:15:20]:

Here we are. Okay. So So how are you working with clients right now? I know you do the mastermind. Talk to me about what happens in your mastermind. Like, what what are you guys focusing on?

Corene Phelps [00:15:31]:

We, the foundations of the mastermind, really are nervous system regulation. So a mastermind is obviously very typically business focused. And while we do all sorts of business focused things, the foundational piece is learning how to operate from a regulated place, which can be a I mean, it’s a challenge because it’s like, I I feel like the good analogy right now is if anybody I don’t know why I keep going back to a weight loss journey, but everybody is like, there’s an option to go just get Ozempic. Right? And that’s amazing. It’s real really great solution for a lot of people, but It’s one of those, like, kinda hacks that you can use to solve your problem. And there’s a lot of hacks that we can put into our business to make things work or get results that we want in the very short term. But if we want to create, like, next level results and you wanna do it, it’s a marathon, And you have to train to run a marathon. And I I feel like nervous system regulation is very much that way, but it’s not the shiny, flashy thing that people want to work on.

Corene Phelps [00:16:40]:

It’s the like, you have to trust this process and trust that taking 2 steps A little bit backwards, and I went backwards, I think, is a bad bad word. But taking a step back and focusing on this is actually gonna be the thing that catapults you forward. And the person who did who did the hack to your left, they might be, you know, a mile ahead of you next month. But when you look back in a year from now, you’re gonna be, like, 50 miles ahead of them. Yep. Yeah. So

Laura Kåmark [00:17:11]:

The long term

Corene Phelps [00:17:12]:

versus Absolutely. And so when we really focus on that and that’s nervous system regulation really is is that, and so that’s the foundational piece. We kind of Hook that up with this idea of being visible because I think that’s a big thing that a lot of entrepreneurs have trouble with is this visibility. It’s very disregulating for our nervous system. So it’s a great way to see how when we focus on that regulation, and then we do the things that are really hard and then uncomfortable for us, How we can use that tool to do that thing that’s then gonna make us grow.

Laura Kåmark [00:17:48]:

I love that, and I do. Visibility’s been a huge roadblock that I had to conquer, earlier on in my business. It’s something that I feel like it’s Talked about a lot on this podcast. I feel like my audience struggles with visibility a lot. Like, that’s definitely It’s it’s a real thing to feel it. I mean, there’s it’s just like imposter syndrome where everyone talks about you know, you still get The nerves, no matter what level you get at in your business, it’s just learning to recognize them and those feelings and knowing how to work past them.

Corene Phelps [00:18:21]:

Oh my gosh. Absolutely. Yeah. So that’s those those are the big things that we focus on inside the inside of the mastermind. Like, for instance, this one this round that I’m running, I have a an ex producer from the Today Show coming in to help everyone inside extract their founder’s story and use that, And we’ll be working behind the scenes during the journey of, like, crafting a signature talk, which is great for when you’re on podcasts or pitching yourself to speak in other whether it’s on a stage or in someone’s group or whatever, wherever you’re looking for an opportunity to share when we have that in our back pocket, it makes it much easier for us to show up because it’s already done. You can expand it and contract it. And so that’s another thing that work on inside.

Laura Kåmark [00:19:06]:

Oh, I love that. So who’s, like, a really good fit for your mastermind? What kind of entrepreneurs are you working with?

Corene Phelps [00:19:13]:

Well, it is a true mastermind in the sense that you’re not going to find 10 fitness coaches in there. It’s, There are really all kinds of of entrepreneurs from small business owners, like, let’s see. In this coming up round, I have a An aesthetician of like, a homeo not homeopathic, a holistic aesthetician, A nutrition coach. We have someone who’s exiting corporate and starting a a business, Someone who’s staying in corporate but wants to expand, like, you know, move up in her career. I have an insurance agent. We We have a real estate agent. Like, it’s a true mastermind. We have actually someone from from the media in in the mastermind as well.

Corene Phelps [00:20:03]:

So it’s legitimately, If you are a female on and a a higher performer, a high achiever who wants to be able to do more with maybe less or do more with less or do more intentionally. Oh, that was very articulate. But, basically, be like, master that 4 hour workday so that you can get maybe even more done that you’re doing now, But actually do it in less time with less stress and bigger results.

Laura Kåmark [00:20:35]:

Oh, I love that. How do you find the people find you? Where do your clients typically come from? I know, and the answer’s gonna be like, all over the place.

Corene Phelps [00:20:42]:

Yeah. All over the place. Podcasts just like this are a great way for people to find me because it, you know, exposes me to new and different audiences. I often speak in other Masterminds and programs, social media. Although I will say social media is not, like, the thing that just, like, pulls them in. I use LinkedIn a lot.

Laura Kåmark [00:21:06]:


Corene Phelps [00:21:07]:

And I’m in a lot of networking groups, and so I show up and extend myself inside of Inside of those groups.

Laura Kåmark [00:21:15]:

I have not dabbled a whole lot in LinkedIn. I’ve I have stuff that will post there using my post scheduler, but I’ve gotten some weird, spammy, I mean, I get those on all of them. But I’ve got some weird, spammy Com or not comments, DMs on there, but that was kinda I’m like, I don’t know what my people are on here.

Corene Phelps [00:21:35]:

Oh, well, ever you know, LinkedIn is having they’re expanding. A lot of people are ditching Instagram to move over to LinkedIn because they’re not loving the algorithm situation happening currently on on Instagram and and LinkedIn. I mean, it’s a higher net worth clientele, And people over there are, I think, wanting to engage and have conversations. I think that the vibe is a little different. Like, I feel like in Instagram, When you’re having conversations in the DMs, everyone’s kind of, like has this, like, weird Defense up. And so having a conversation is a little bit can be strained where it’s like it feels like a friend conversation even though you’re trying to have, like, a business conversation. But over on LinkedIn, it’s kinda like everyone knows that it’s like business. And so it’s like, hey.

Corene Phelps [00:22:26]:

Do you wanna on a call, and the expectation is to get to know each other, to see how you might be able to serve each other. But there’s also an expectation of, like, okay. So do we talk about Like, do you wanna work with me, or do can I do I wanna work with you kinda thing?

Laura Kåmark [00:22:42]:

That’s interesting. That’s an I like how you look at that. That’s I should probably explore LinkedIn a little more with all the things.

Corene Phelps [00:22:52]:

Yes. Well, it’s growing rapidly and, Yeah. So I wanna

Laura Kåmark [00:22:59]:

ask you some questions about the tech and website behind your business. Because as a web designer and tech integration person, I love hearing about everyone’s, like, website, all their tech, their favorite tech, some of their experiences. So tell me about your website. Has it always looked the way it does today? Has it had a bajillion iterations like most of us?

Corene Phelps [00:23:21]:

Well, under this particular URL, it has looked like just as it is. I had a previous website, and while that one, I didn’t Really re like, iterate. It was just under a different different URL. Yeah. No. Because it’s this website is actually not that old. It’s only about a year old.

Laura Kåmark [00:23:40]:

There you go. What platform do you use?

Corene Phelps [00:23:42]:

It was built on Showit.

Laura Kåmark [00:23:45]:

Oh, okay.

Corene Phelps [00:23:46]:

I have a WordPress blog Built on Showit.

Laura Kåmark [00:23:53]:

And then is there a favorite piece of tech that you use in your business that you’re Like, I love this piece of tech so much, and I just it makes me so happy because I just love it.

Corene Phelps [00:24:07]:

You know, tech is I I I get a lot of help with with the tech outside of, my My phone, my iPhone, which I live on and use that as, like, my primary source of tech, which if I could not live without that. You know, I’m not really sure. I feel like I wish I had a better answer for you than that.

Laura Kåmark [00:24:26]:

I think the iPhone works. Acuity is, like, One of my favorite things, it’s so simple. It’s my scheduler, but it brought so much of the back end of my business, and it connects to all the things. Like, It’s just Yeah. Every so often, I’m like, man, I just love acuity so much, and I love Loom to do my little recordings. Okay. Okay? I’ll get a lot of clients that have, like, a question about something and being able to just make a quick loom to them, to me, is just So life changing, but we don’t have to, like, hop on a call or, you know, do a bunch of, like, back and forth or do a lot of screenshots, like, being able to just create a Loom video walking through.

Corene Phelps [00:25:04]:

Yeah. I love those 2, actually, now that you’re saying that, and it’s funny because I have been thinking of switching over to Acuity. I use Calendly. But even that is, I I think just even Calendly is a lifesaver because you have your links for your calls, and you just drop them to people all over the place, and It integrates with my I use Google Calendar. Mhmm. And I would say tech wise, Google is definitely I mean, I use Google Drive. It’s Couldn’t live without that. I also use Slack.

Corene Phelps [00:25:31]:

So a lot I don’t I’m not a Facebook groups person. It doesn’t really align fine with my brand or regulating your nervous system. So I use Slack, and it is so great for just voice noting back and forth clients that way. It’s also great for dropping call replays. I can literally just drag and drop the Zoom right in there.

Laura Kåmark [00:25:52]:

It’s Oh, that’s cool.

Corene Phelps [00:25:54]:

Yeah. I didn’t know

Laura Kåmark [00:25:57]:

how to do that. Have you ever heard of TidyCal? It’s like a Calendly alternative. I just got it, but I haven’t looked at it yet. Another podcast guest, Julie Ball, who was on a Few episodes back, she had recommended it, and it’s on AppSumo. It’s like a basically a Calendly replacement, but it can do all the things. And it’s a one time lifetime AppSumo deal

Corene Phelps [00:26:21]:

Oh, you just pay once?

Laura Kåmark [00:26:23]:


Corene Phelps [00:26:24]:

That’s nice. You know, this is funny because I use Kajabi inside of, like, the back end of my business right now, But I’m on this journey of figuring out if I’m gonna use Thrivecart. So I I bought Thrivecart, and I use it More payments because, you know, if you’re in Kajabi, it’s really annoying how you have to create 5 offers for different payment plans, and then you have to make a sales page to then plug the offers into. And with ThriveCart, you don’t have to do that. And that’s also a onetime payment versus the $199 recurring every month. So it’s, like, 4.97 or something. And you can do this upgrade for just a 197, and you can have all your courses in there. And, again and so it’s a, like, all in, whatever that is, like, $600, and you never pay Yeah.

Corene Phelps [00:27:11]:

Again. Yeah.

Laura Kåmark [00:27:12]:

I’m in the process of switching all my stuff. Like, MemberVault is amazing. I love them. I the founders are incredible. Their customer support is just top of the line. But the pull of ThriveCart’s one time payment, I mean, I’m Working now on just moving all my stuff over because I love that. And I’ve been setting it up for a lot of clients too, because it just one time, lifetime, anytime that I can start, you know, ticking off those reoccurring annual payments and switching back time.

Corene Phelps [00:27:43]:

It’s really funny because of my mindset around, it’s like I’m like, it’s $199. Whatever. You know? No big deal. But when you start looking at everything I mean, we use other little tech pieces. Right? You get the you know, when you’re editing your podcast, your autophonic cost, your hosting fee, you You know, Canva fee, Zoom fee, and all these little, like, what feel like nothing at the end of the day, then you’re, like, a grand in on your business. And you’re like, how can I start to, To, like, trim that back a little bit? And when it’s something like a Thrive card a with the, like, easy payment situation, Hands down, and you can make beautiful sales pages from from there. And while I get, you know, Kajabi has the, like, all like, the Back end stuff. The thing is is everyone’s now sending their emails from Flodesk because they look so much nicer, and Flodesk is $400 for the whole year or something like that.

Corene Phelps [00:28:36]:

And so you can it’s just, like, lower your monthly Recurring fees by you know, it’s a couple it’s a couple $1,000 a year.

Laura Kåmark [00:28:47]:

Yep. Absolutely. Oh, I love it. See, this is why I always ask the tech questions because it’s fun. I could geek out out on this all day long, but I’m not sure.

Corene Phelps [00:28:55]:

Can too as it turns out. And I got really excited about it, so we keep talking about it.

Laura Kåmark [00:29:00]:

Like, oh my gosh. How else

Corene Phelps [00:29:02]:

what else can we talk about?

Laura Kåmark [00:29:04]:

You wanna talk more tech? We could talk more tech.

Corene Phelps [00:29:08]:

Actually, I will talk a

Laura Kåmark [00:29:09]:

little more tech. One of the things that I’ve been really trying to get clients, like so I build the websites for them, and then when we get Like, okay. Now next step, we need to be doing more marketing, and how can we automate more things on the back end? So, like, one of my top blog posts, funny enough, is You can send your Zoom calls automatically the recordings automatically to Vimeo. And it was, like, amazing. Yeah. Right? It was amazing when I found that out. It was just like a little tick box to, like, connect things. I have blog post on.

Laura Kåmark [00:29:37]:

I can send it to you.

Corene Phelps [00:29:38]:

Oh my gosh.

Laura Kåmark [00:29:38]:

I’ll link it I’ll link it up in the show notes. It’s like my top performing blog post on my Google Analytics. Okay.

Corene Phelps [00:29:43]:

So then this is you’re about to clear something out. This is really interesting. So could you? Because I had, I remember this person told me this a long time ago. They use Asana for client interaction, and I use that with one of my team members. We use it to, You know, like manage. But she this this coach had told me that she had Asana set up so that it was Basically set up so that each client had their own little, like, private little home and that all the calls got automatically uploaded for them. Probably with this app.

Laura Kåmark [00:30:17]:

I don’t think there’s a built for integration. But

Corene Phelps [00:30:19]:

Okay. So then with this, you have to go back and so it automatically takes it, does it delete it then for you so that it’s not or you have to go and delete it from Zoom yourself? You have to go. At the end of the week, you just gotta do a cleanup.

Laura Kåmark [00:30:31]:

Yeah. And, I mean, I have I’m on an older Vimeo account because, like, now I know they’re the newer Vimeo accounts are a little more limited on, Like, how many videos you can upload on the lower plans and, like, your space and all that. I’m on an older plan that gives me, like, a weekly limit, not a lifetime limit. So it just auto sends it all over there. So for me, it’s kind of a backup because I end up downloading my stuff right off of Zoom And putting it into a folder so then I can go edit the podcast and everything. But then I know I have a copy of it on Vimeo as well. But then also for all my sales calls, I have those all or any client call. I record everything.

Laura Kåmark [00:31:09]:

Wow. It just automatically goes to Vimeo. So, again, before I used to download it from Zoom, upload it to Vimeo, delete it out of Zoom. Now I can just go into Zoom and hit delete delete delete or check alt delete.

Corene Phelps [00:31:21]:

That’s a lot of steps that you get to not do. That’s,

Laura Kåmark [00:31:24]:

that’s, like, my favorite thing is finding ways to make it simpler.

Corene Phelps [00:31:29]:


Laura Kåmark [00:31:30]:

And automating the things. So, yes, that was fun little tangent. Okay. We’re gonna go back to talking more about business. Okay.

Corene Phelps [00:31:38]:

Well, we were, like, knee deep in business. That’s all very important business.

Laura Kåmark [00:31:41]:

It is very important. I would love to know what would you say is like one of the biggest challenges that you’ve overcome since starting your business.

Corene Phelps [00:31:52]:

The biggest challenge is I mean, well, debt was and my my own personal relationship with money, I think, probably is the biggest. Yeah. And that and that in my getting over my, you know, workaholic sort of nature Yeah. Which aren’t really, like, business things. But I think that’s the thing about entrepreneurship is that all the issues that we face in business are usually Our own stuff. It’s not typically I mean, and even when it appears like it’s an actual business problem, most of the time it’s a you problem.

Laura Kåmark [00:32:29]:

Yep. Because it’s all intertwined. Back when we were corporate, it’s very different because you can kinda, like, 5 o’clock on Friday, turn off corporate and go into your life versus now with entrepreneurship. We’re just I mean, I know my brain’s on constantly thinking all these different things, writing all these emails while I’m in the shower and, like, coming up with all these ideas. Yeah. Off.

Corene Phelps [00:32:54]:

I know. We have to learn how to, like, channel it though and and give yourself some space. It is so funny though because it’s like the minute you go, you’re like, I’m just gonna go take a walk. I’m gonna go take a walk and step away, and then you do, and then your mind just is like, all the ideas, all the downloads start coming through.

Laura Kåmark [00:33:11]:

Yep. Exactly. We live, at the beach, so I’m, like, 4 houses from the sand. So I’m out walking on the beach all the time with the dog. Like, There’s a lot of good stuff that comes from all my walks during the day that I just love.

Corene Phelps [00:33:27]:

I’m making it fun.

Laura Kåmark [00:33:29]:

What would you say that you’re doing in the industry that is being bold?

Corene Phelps [00:33:36]:

What am I do? Well, you know, I think that focusing on being a good human being, It’s a rather bold thing these days. No. I’m I I I kid. I just say there’s a lot of, I think, unethical things that happen within the Within the coaching industry, and I always kind of, like, joke, not joke about about that. Yeah. I mean, I think the Focusing on nervous system regulation as a first you know, like, leading with that is actually pretty pretty bold because there’s not A tremendous amount of understanding. Like, I’m fighting a little bit of an uphill battle of having to really educate everyone, and it is an experiential thing. So it’s it’s a that’s definitely a challenge, and I think it’s a bold statement to say that that’s the thing that is actually translating into an ROI on your business, but it’s also kind of exciting because they have data that supports it.

Laura Kåmark [00:34:34]:

Oh, I love that. Data’s so fun. I can geek out on data all day long. Type a all the way. So we are getting close to our time. I could just sit and talk about this all day, especially if we wanna geek out on tech even more.

Corene Phelps [00:34:48]:

Oh my gosh.

Laura Kåmark [00:34:50]:

I have 1 question that I ask everyone who comes on the show, and that is what is 1 piece of advice you would give to someone when they are growing and scaling their business that would help them be bolder, be louder, and make waves in business.

Corene Phelps [00:35:08]:

The there’s actually no one is your competition. And when you when you put your blinders on and focus on You showing up and being 1% better every day, scaling your business, making an impact, and being bold, I think just becomes a way of being.

Laura Kåmark [00:35:27]:

Oh, I love that. That’s fantastic advice. Corene, thank you so much for coming on the show today. Can you tell our listeners where that can come find you, hang out with you, all the things.

Corene Phelps [00:35:37]:

Yeah. Absolutely. Instagram for sure. LinkedIn, now that we were talking about LinkedIn. So if you’re over there, come find me. Say say hello on LinkedIn as well. Yeah. Or or Instagram.

Corene Phelps [00:35:50]:

I I’m on both of those platforms pretty regularly. I also have I actually like just would love to to gift this to your to your audience. I have a breath work Nervous system regulation portal, and it’s basically this, like, library of hypnosis, breath work, and a lot of other nervous system Regulation tools, and I’d love to gift your audience 30 days of that. They can come in and check it out and see how that impacts their Their nervous system, how they feel.

Laura Kåmark [00:36:21]:

Oh, awesome. I will drop the link for that in the show notes. Thank you so much. Amazing. Well, thanks so much for coming on the show today. This was so much fun.

Corene Phelps [00:36:31]:

Such a pleasure. I appreciate you so so much. I had such a such a good time.

Laura Kåmark [00:36:37]:

Thanks so much for listening to this week’s episode. Be sure to check out the show notes at laurakamark.com/podcast. And if you’re ready to turn your website into a marketing machine, get more sales, save time, and simplify the back end of your business, Grab my free resource, power integrations for your website. Head on over to laurakamark.com/power. If you enjoyed today’s episode, make sure to subscribe. And also, I’ll just love you forever if you leave me a review. It helps get this podcast in front of other people that can help inspire. Thanks so much for listening.

Laura Kåmark [00:37:15]:

I’ll see you next week. Bye now.

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hey, i’m laura

I’m a web designer and tech integrator for female business owners who love their work but NOT their website. When you have big visions for your business I help bring them to life. 

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